Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Effective networkers are eager to GIVE FIRST. By showing generosity without the expectation to receive, you create enormous goodwill.
I recently provided a training on Supervising Millenials. We discussed whether in our digitally driven life we are becoming more attention deficit that in previous eras. There are so many opportunities to be distracted- such as reading interesting blogs! If you feel you must answer that email, text or IM immediately, you may want to …
The internet and social media is in its infancy, and you may never have this opportunity again. You now have the one-time chance to ‘claim to your online real estate’.
What perfect timing it is for me to write this blog entry on happiness. I just came back tonight from an event for women alumni sponsored by the university I attended for both my undergraduate and graduate degree – the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota – and met one of the author’s of the …
I’d like to continue the theme from Janae’s post last week on gratitude, to explore more applications at work and highlight three ways it works. Focusing on What you Have For starters, gratitude gets your minds off of all the things that worry you, annoy you, or challenge you. Instead, when you focus your attention …
“I’m blessed – thanks!” This is how the finance guy of a local car dealer shared with us in response to the question that we are all asked daily, “how are you?” His response not only made us feel good, we ended up having a very meaningful conversation during our 15 minutes together. Even though …
I am not sure this is a training issue or a human performance issue, but recently I observed a situation where a Japanese firm was looking to do business with an American firm and the American firm was not prepared as they might have been and possibly lost the contract. Before seeking out new clients …