Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Here are some popular love/work quotes: “Do what you love and the money will follow.” “Work is love made visible.” “If you’re not in the job you love, love the job you’re in.” How great would it be to love your work?! Do you? I can honestly say I do. I remember knowing what it …
Are you in this situation? You and your boss just don’t seem to connect and work well together. It isn’t that you are having knock down fights. It’s just that you know things could be better. You don’t want to look for another job. So you have to figure out how to make it work. …
Sally was so excited she couldn't sleep. She kept playing the next day over and over in her head. She would arrive to her new job (her first "real job") exactly ten minutes early dressed in the new business suit she received as a graduation present accessorized with a brand new leather Franklin Covey planner.
“When you work, you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music” Kahlil Gibran It’s been said in various faith traditions that God works through our feet and hands. Every day you get an opportunity to express God’s gifts through your work. As you share your gifts with the …
Does this sound familiar? You’ve spent the last several years working hard but never seem to get ahead. You’ve avoided the corporate ax, all right. You’ve seen others come and go and, at times, you’re grateful just to have a job. But there are some moments when you cannot help but admit that you feel …
When was the last time you practiced random acts of kindness at your workplace? This could be a fun way for you to spread your spirit and show kindness. You can spread your kindness a variety of ways – a kind act of service, a kind word of encouragement or a kind thought that you …
How can you ramp up quickly and start getting results? There are few career moments as exciting, and these days as perilous, as being promoted from an individual contributor to a manager. Here are seven career tactics with quotes from professional who have successfully moved into management. 1. Begin your transition before you start the …