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65 results found

Courtroom Drama – Training Lawyers to Act

What does an actor have to teach an attorney? Acting, improvisation, communicating, moving on stage. Sounds like an acting class. Don’t be surprised. It is. Most of us would agree a lawyer’s education is mostly about the law; but the practical application of law requires research, practice, experience and some knowledge of speech and acting …

Passionate Communication: Key to Effective Training

Passionate Interaction: Key to Effective Training As a way of introducing myself to the Training and Development world, I’ve included the bio below. While a variety of skill sets take us in many directions, my strength has been as a passionate communicator. I apply my social psychology background and my verbal skills to my “day” …

Professional Development: Are You Learning Every Day?

Are you learning new shots or skills every single day? Jack Nicklaus was asked if there are really talented golfers who never make it. “Oh, hundreds of them”, he replied. “A lot of people out there are more talented than I am and yet, through the years, I’ve passed them by. That’s because I never …

Challenges of a semi Recent Grad Student

This post is a little different folks, it’s about searching for a position as a training designer, or training specialist. It’s my personal journey in the search for said position. I have been looking for a career position for almost 18 months. I started in January, 2009 one semester prior to graduating with my Masters …