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56 results found

2011 Combined Federal Campaign: Giving Power Unleashed

“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” -– Mark Twain Here are some statistics about the CFC – Combined Federal Campaign, and some common sense observations as to why you should almost always not base your actions on numbers that reflect the entire non-profit sector. It would be like getting a weather report for the …

Winning Teams On the Football Field and the Workplace

Teams, teams, teams. Whether you love them or loathe them, you’ll have to learn to live, not only with them but within them. Your leadership will depend on it. Here are five strategies for building and nurturing winning teams on the football field workplace. 1. Manage by adultery. It’s a term coined by Chaparral Steel …

Supportive Leadership – The 5 Basic Rules

(This is a guest post from Professor Günther H. Schust and is based on his free ebook “Supportive Leadership.”) More than two thirds of all problems in our society result from a decrepit leadership culture in economy and politics which allows indispensable profound reforms (i.e. climate protection, finance and tax legislation) and “green” technologies for …

Hybrid Programs: Online and Classroom Solution

Are Hybrid Programs (Online/Classroom) the Solution? Most educators and trainers alike see the advantages of face-to-face education and training over online programs. The value of face-to-face education or training may be a given, but good things are coming, believe it or not, from hybrid or condensed programs. It seems logical for several reasons. I may …

Your Blog

Blogs require a consistent style guide so that anyone who writes and edits posts will be able to adhere to the same rules.

Training in The Art of Listening

As a speech coach and trainer, I talk about knowing your audience, knowing your subject and knowing yourself. Audience feedback is very important, but I think my colleague, Vasco Gaspar, who writes on Communicating Effectively in My Bright Child, is right in that not everyone listens as well as they should; and that includes the …

How Does a Young New, Supervisor Lead?

How do you supervise people who are more experienced than you? Many years ago I coached Kevin, a young manager who had just taken the reins of the facilities department of a major university. At his first staff meeting, with his much senior supervisors, he said: “As your manager, I’m here to help you be …

The Data-Backed Secret to Sales Growth

One huge secret behind sales growth is offering a product or service that speaks to the customers – that fulfils an important customer need. Selling may not be the issue. Rather, as a business coach, I often need to point out that the sales issue may be the value proposition for customers. According to an …