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Enhancing Business Presentations: Adding Opinion & Personality

Actually, this is PART II of Trainers Who Talk, Talk, Talk with Nothing to Say… This is a good example of a blog that ran away with itself or a writer who lost control or became too passionate. It started as a way of demonstrating presentations or training had to have substance and at the …

Trainers Who Talk, Talk, Talk with Nothing to Say…

Effective trainers who have nothing to say aren’t really trainers. They may be entrepreneurs really. Quite frankly some have just learned how to make a buck with social media in particular and are good at jingoism. Or, to give them more respect, they could be speakers and even trainers who have sold good training tools, …

Rutgers Player Abuse Creates Crisis Management Mess

Shocking footage shows the coach shoving, and throwing balls at player’s heads Rutgers University is facing major crisis management after a video showing men’s basketball coach Mike Rice hurling basketballs at players’ heads, shoving, yanking collars, and screaming homophobic slurs was broadcast on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” this afternoon. Video of Rutgers practices from the …

Embedding the Ethos of Community: Moonshot #2

I admit, this took some research! Let’s start by defining what we are trying to do, Wikipedia to the rescue. Ethos: Greek, meaning character, used to describe guiding beliefs, ideals, and the spirit which motivates them. Community: a group whose intention, beliefs, resources preferences, needs and risks affect and shape its identity. This captures how …

Anatomy of a Trainer

What is that exactly? Where do trainers come from? Are they born or made, as I like to ask my University students of “speakers.” Trainers are a little different. Trainers are made of parts, like the human body, and have many interacting functions or working parts. Without some parts they die. With others, they thrive. …

Today’s Job Market: Best Degrees and Training (Revised)

Best Degrees and Training for Today’s Jobs (revised) Not being hired in today’s market…Is it even about degrees, training, or lack of experience? It’s unfortunate, but when you need a job sometimes you need both the education degree, training certificate, and the experience just to get in the door. It’s frustrating seeing others without your …

MLB Doping Scandal, 2013 Edition

League and players in crisis management mode after new reports of PED use Major League Baseball still hasn’t quite recovered from the scandals brought about by the steroid era. In fact, The Hall of Fame election earlier this month saw players like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa turned down purely because of their …

Computers and Essay Questions in Training

As a blogger, I get ideas for my blogs from pretty much anywhere. Even as a university professor, I am sometimes piqued by something said or a student assignment. In this case, it is a very basic assignment to get my English students to think about the question: Can computers grade essays? Why is this …

Depends on “Whose Life It Is Anyway” and Trainers Can Help

Trainers Can Help, depending on “Whose Life It Is Anyway” “Whose Life Is It Anyway,” is the title of a play by Brian Clark along with more information from good old Wikipedia, complete with links to other respective sites. Wikipedia is a good place to start anyway. I remember the movie made from the play …

Combating the Hero Worship Culture at Penn State: the NCAA Got It Exactly Right

By David Gebler and Donna Boehme In the wake of the Penn State child abuse scandal, many in the media were outraged by the NCAA’s decision to instantly vacate the university’s win record from 1998 through 2011. As two ethicists with a combined 40+ years working in the trenches with organizations and their cultures, we’d …