Sources of Help to Members of COVID-19 Support Groups

Sections of this topic

    These resources are for COVID-19 group support in which members are supporting each other to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A toolkit for starting and facilitating the groups is at Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19

    Consider These Resources for Yourself and Others

    Resources to Help Your Group Members

    There are many free, online articles about topics that are helpful to members of a support group. See the “Supporting Skills” listed on the right side of each page.

    Resources to Help Yourself

    Resources to Help Others Anywhere

    Pose Questions in the Our Facebook Group

    This group is for everyone interested or involved in peer support groups, especially around the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on our lives. We will discuss all aspects of organizing and running a COVID-19 group support. Discussions will have an emphasis on groups using free tools offered at but do not have to be exclusively about that format of peer support group. (Note: this group is not about specific medical advice and treatment for individuals who may have the virus.)

    Attend Office Hours With Experts

    Office hours are each week on Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. Central Time USA. They will begin on April 15, 2020. To participate, you must:

    1. Have answered at least 80% of the questions correctly in the quiz Test Your Knowledge About PCGs because the office hours should primarily be about questions that are not answered on these pages.
    2. Pre-register by sending an email to [email protected]. Send your email from the same email address that you used when you entered your private contact information in your quiz. In your email, also include your Skype address if you have one.

    Office hours will include the first 10 people who registered. We will promptly notify you if you are enrolled in the next office hour session.

    Email Us

    We hope that you will consider the other sources of help, especially the Frequently Asked Questions, as we tend to get a lot of emails about various subjects. Otherwise, you can email us at [email protected].

    Regarding Other Uses of Peer Coaching Groups

    People who are interested in using the groups for other than support as described in this topic, should purchase training, consulting, and materials from Action Learning Source, especially the virtual workshop
    Facilitating and Developing Peer, Group, Team, and Organizational Coaching Programs. Other uses of peer coaching groups might include, for example:

    • Developing a group-based program for your professional development or employee development in an organization.
    • Modifying the process for developing, for example, a coaching culture, coaching skills, leadership development, management development, supervisory development, networking, problem-solving/goal achievement, support groups, team building, and transfer of training. Each of these different uses involved a different design of a group-based program.

    (First photo courtesy of Matheus Viana and second photo courtesy of Edward Jenner on