
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
‘Grants management’ encompasses a breadth of activities within a wide range of organizations and agencies, from small NPOs to federal agencies such as the NIH. In the context of this post, I am defining grants management to encompass those activities conducted by NPO staff for the purpose of ensuring grant compliance, from the time the …
A fundraising campaign brochure can be an important tool for communicating the worth of a campaign to a targeted audience, as well as for making an organization’s “family” more knowledgeable about their organization and the purpose and structure of the campaign. Often, when the subject of a campaign brochure publication comes up, it is greeted …
In marketing and media awareness terms, the “Rule of 7” states that before a customer or donor actually makes a purchase or a gift, they need to be “touched” in some way before they will act. “Touched,” means contact by: a piece of mail, an email, a radio discussion, an advertisement (print or electronic), a …
Last month I went deep into Bequest Promotion Channels. This month, Stewardship. The donor who has included your charity in their will can change their mind and undo their gift at any time. Why does that matter? It matters because you need to steward your bequest donors well, so they don’t change their minds. You …
In every fund-raising campaign, toward the end of the drive, we always must address any number of proposals and presentations which were made seeking donations, but for which we’ve still not gotten a definitive response. We were not given a “Yes,” or a “No.” Mostly we were told, “I’ll let you know,” … or something …
It’s been my honor to have served as board president of two nonprofit organizations – a synagogue and a music society. I learned a lot during my terms with these organizations, but perhaps my most important lesson was the need to acknowledge people and express my personal appreciation of them, to them. That is something …
A Guest Posting by Sue Smith An issue was raised in a listserve: “As someone more used to working with the clients, I have become more and more concerned about the exploitation of clients and ‘their stories’ as fundraising tools. I am constantly being asked to ‘provide a client or two’ who are willing to …