
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
In a previous post, I introduced “A Four-Step Process for Effective Grantsmanship,” including: (1) prospecting for foundation funding, (2) cultivation, (3) grant proposal development, and (4) grant management and stewardship. (See Chapter Five in my ebook: Grants & Grantsmanship) So far, I’ve provided a lot of information on steps one through three, as well as …
On first reaction, you might think that title would evoke a “Ya think?” response. Not so fast. Too often, those seeking “major gifts” for those major campaigns, settle for what are really small gifts, not at all in keeping with the size and scope of the donations needed to meet those larger goals. While an …
An email raised this question: My organization is in the process of developing a Fundraising Committee. Three of our Board members are on this Committee and we are trying to determine other non-Board members who we could invite to join as well. We have one major gift donor who began to fund us at the …
Thank you for what you do. If you’re reading this blog, I’m going to make the educated assumption that you’re probably involved (directly or indirectly) with non-profit fundraising. Regardless of the particular role you have, you make a difference in the lives of your non-profit’s beneficiaries whether they are called clients, members, students, citizens, or …
There is an enormous amount of easily accessible information on constructing a nonprofit fundraising Case-For-Support … from the library, bookstores, and the Internet. Countless volumes and articles have been written on the subject, and there are always workshops and seminars dealing with this critically important topic. Keeping that in mind, I’ll try to give you …
Last month I focused on IRA gifts, now I’m back to bequests, picking up from August with strategies other than direct mail to promote bequest giving. (See Tony’s previous posts on Planned Giving.) If you haven’t got the budget for direct mail, these are for you! If you’re using direct mail, augment it with these …
For over three-and-one-half years, we’ve been writing/posting about Fundraising/Development — The Basics and the more Advanced. We’ve written on (in alphabetical order) Board & Staff Relations, Capital Campaigns, Certification, Corporate Fundraising, Development Staff, Donor Categories, Donor Recognition, Donor Relations, Effective Grantsmanship – Foundation and Government, Fundraising Accounting Practices, Fundraising Constituencies, Fundraising Consultants, Fundraising Ethics, Fundraising …