
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Please Note: We are in the process of switching from posting half of each of two different articles each week to posting only one piece each week. So, over the next ten weeks, some will be in the old format (two halves) and some will be in the new format. August 13:   Checklists – …
1. A Different Kind of Scheduling May Help Improve Your Grant Proposals by Jayme Sokolow As grant proposal professionals, we are very focused on schedules. In fact, it is one of the first things we do when making a decision to bid. There is, however, another kind of scheduling that we often slight when developing …
1. Is There A Role for Direct Mail in a Capital Campaign? by Hank Lewis First, a quick look at Direct Mail. But, since The Fundraising Blog currently has a Direct Mail Expert addressing that topic, I’ll be very general in my observations. Direct Mail is the tried and tested tool for Donor Acquisition – …
[Also introducing a new member of The Fundraising Blog family, K. Michael Johnson, who will be writing on the subject of Millennials in Fundraising — Those who are already part of the development world, and those who might become part of that arena.] 1. Millennials in Fundraising: An Introduction – Part I by K. Michael …
1. Understanding Donor Retention by Jonathan Howard In a prior post, we looked at a mailing designed to bring in new, first-time donors, a process called donor acquisition. Now lets’ talk about the other side of an effective direct mail program: keeping the donors you already have, called donor retention. I compare the interplay of …
1. April 27th was National Tell a Story Day by Jayme Sokolow What, you may ask, is the connection between National Tell a Story Day and grant proposals? A great deal, at least from my perspective. Stories are universal because we use stories to create meaning. When you cite a statistic or make an argument, …
1. Donor-Centered Planned Giving – Part I by John Elbare Planned gifts almost always result from strong donor relationships, yet many non-profits fail at this. When a donor feels a part of your charitable mission, planned giving becomes almost inevitable. But when donors feel neglected or ignored, planned giving is very difficult. Do you work …