Boards of Directors — Related
For-Profit and Nonprofit Combined
For-Profit and Nonprofit Combined
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For-Profit Specific
- Field
Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development - by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting,
LLC. Complete, step-by-step guidelines to identify complex issues
and goals in organizations, and successfully guide significant
change to address them. Versions customized for for-profits and
nonprofits. Many materials in this Library topic are adapted
from this book.
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Nonprofit Specific
- Field
Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development With Noprofits - by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting,
LLC. Complete, step-by-step guidelines to identify complex issues
and goals in organizations, and successfully guide significant
change to address them. Versions customized for for-profits and
nonprofits. Many materials in this Library topic are adapted
from this book.
- Field
Guide to Developing and Operating Your Nonprofit Board of Directors - by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting,
LLC. Provides step-by-step highly practical guidelines to develop,
organize, operate and sustain high-quality nonprofit Boards.
Many materials in this Library topic are adapted from this book.
- Field
Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation - by Carter McNamara, published by Authenticity Consulting,
LLC. Step-by-step guidelines to customize and facilitate planners
to implement the best strategic planning process to suit the
particular nature and needs of your nonprofit. Many materials
in this Library topic were adapted from this book.
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