Self-Coaching: 3-Minute Action Learning Time Out

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    Many of my executive coaching clients operate in an environment that is fast-paced with multiple priorities. The work is demanding and performance expectations are high. This “3 Minute Action Learning Time Out” helps them take a few moments to slow down and focus on what they learned from a situation. As a result, they can apply this learning to assist them in future scenarios.

    Here are the “self-coaching” action-learning questions that I recommend:

    1. What just happened?

    2. What did I learn from this experience?

    3. What would I do the same or differently next time?

    4. How can I apply this insight to other situations?

    What other “self-coaching” questions can help you learn?

    Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC – I spark entrepreneurial business leaders to set strategies, take action, and get results. How can I help you? Contact me at [email protected] ~ Linkedin ~ 218-340-3330