A recent survey, Mercer’s 2010 Attraction and Retention Survey (as cited on clomedia.com) indicates that 27% of companies are planning to expand their workforce, which is up from 12% in 2009. As more and more companies begin hiring in higher numbers, the fear of losing high-performing talent increases for many. If you have that fear, please see the below list of things that will drive your high-performing employees to seek other opportunities.
- Fail to provide them with development opportunities
- Question everything they do
- Micromanage their work
- Fail to let them take ownership of their work
- Fail to provide challenging work
- Fail to address performance issues of others
- Fail to provide them with performance feedback
- Fail to consider their insight or fail to even ask
- Ignore their suggestions
- Fail to discuss their goals
What else can you add to the list or ways to retain high performers? Your comments and questions are always encouraged!
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