Have you ever stopped to consider a prospect’s view of your firm? Their first contact is usually with Sales. So it is of critical importance who is selling your product. Start ups and those who have been in business awhile have different issues. In a start up, I’ve heard a few owners/bottle washers say there …
Starting a Business/
Business Planning
You only need one lead to make a sale, says common wisdom. However, your chances of selling increase with more leads. So, how do you generate more leads? 1. Offer compelling products and services for your customers. 2. Be compelling. Approach prospects with a view to helping, rather than making a sale. Show your enthusiasm, …
So your company is working hard, doing everything right, and it just isn’t growing fast enough. Well, there is the economy. The recession has slowed customer demand in most segments a lot. Still, excel in a recession and life should be even better when the economy picks up. So, the company has a competitive advantage …
Not everyone who starts a small business is an entrepreneur, nor should they be. Figuring out whether you’re an innovator, an entrepreneur or a manager can save you headaches down the road as a business planning idea.
Your top sales manager has been pursuing the largest sale in history of your company. Do you want it? The company needs the sales. Of course, you will take the business. What a crazy question, you say. But do you know you have the capacity to make the order? There is nothing more damaging than …
Last week’s blog described the information you need to develop a pricing strategy. Today we’ll talk about several kinds of pricing strategies that are commonly utilized.
Biographers of Napoleon Bonaparte talk about his ability to size up a situation with a single coup d’oeil, (pronounced koo-DOY), meaning “a stroke of the eye” or “glance.” Napoleon was so knowledgeable about his strategic situation—the landscape, the enemy, available technology, similar situations from the past—that he could understand and respond quickly to ever-changing circumstances. …