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What Would Love Do Now?

I had a challenging conversation recently with a business woman. She was really upset about something I had done, and as I was trying to fix the problem, she screamed at me. It’s not fun to have someone scream at you, especially when you are trying to help them. Ever have one of those conversations? …

Dane Elicits Pain About Obama’s Public Speaking

Editorial by Jonathan Bernstein Does being the chief resident of the White House erode your public speaking ability? Is it time to find some new speech writers? Are you making so many speaking mistakes that they become trends noticeable not just back home, but even by a DANISH TV station? Yes, yes and YES, Mr. …

Taxes and Tithing

It’s that time of year again – Tax season. Funny how tax time is also the time of planting and tending to gardens. I am reminded of the quote of Jesus, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give unto God what is God’s”. What are you planting or tending through your taxes and tithing? …

Flinging Mud with SEO

Taking damage from searches for your own key terms Politicians are no strangers to controversy, but as we become more and more immersed in the digital world, regular citizens are gaining the power to cause serious reputation management issues for these seemingly lofty figures. The following quote, from a MediaPost article by Derek Gordon, highlights …

Walk the Beauty Way

I have been so filled with joy at the beauty of spring opening up all around me. Last week the Japanese Cherry trees were in full bloom. They are the ones Washington DC is so famous for having by the Jefferson Memorial. This week the dogwoods are out in full bloom. The azaleas and redbuds …

Effective Communication: Getting the Message

Effective Communication: Are You Getting The Message? The saying that “people do not leave their jobs, they leave their bosses” is overused, but true. In employee exit surveys, the most frequent employee complaint is about their former supervisor’s communications skills—too little, too much, too ineffective. Poor communication does account for a multitude of workplace woes …

How To Say No Comment Without Saying No Comment

When it comes to crisis management, choose your words wisely One of the most common requests from clients of ours are for ways to “say no comment without saying no comment.” Yes, communication and transparency are crucial in today’s business environment, but sometimes it’s just not in your best interest to discuss a particular topic. …

Life Cycle Financing Options

When you’re looking for financing, it may seem that anything will do. However, depending on the life cycle stage of your venture, some forms of financing are better than others. You want the right kind of capital for the needs of your business at that point in time.

All That You Think, Say and Do

I love the music and lyrics of Faith Rivera. She’s a fabulous singer and messenger. Her performances are energizing, inspiring, and touching. I want to share this video clip that I use in some of my programs to get energized. Listen to the music and let it fill you with positive energy. See which lines …

Enthusiastic Employees: Do You Have Them?

“I mean it. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven here. If things stay this way, I’d like to spend the rest of my working life for this company. You feel like a real person, not just a number.” This a quote from the book “The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving …