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Setting Intentions then Stepping Back

I’ve been a coach for several years now, working with clients who want to focus on either professional or personal goals. One approach to coaching is to help people see the gap of where they are vs. where they want to be. The role of the coach is to help people take steps to close …

Free Management Library and iBrand Masters Tweets

Coaching Blog: Coaching Tip – Block Time to Maximize Your Efficiency http://bit.ly/9dedlw # Training Blog: 4 Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessment: http://bit.ly/bANRSz # Social Enterprise: Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips http://bit.ly/9YLsOE # Business Planning Blog: What Do We Need: Strategic or Business Plan? http://bit.ly/dj9XBr # Fundraising Blog: GRANTS: FREE MONEY – NOT QUITE !! …

Time Management Strategies: Performance Coaching Tip

Many of my coaching clients come to me because they are overwhelmed. They have too much to do and not enough time to accomplish it all. They tell me they are busy all day and fail to complete important tasks. One performance coaching tip that successful people use is the concept of block time – …

Feasibility Testing: Top 10 Tips

So you have piles of venture ideas and don’t know where to start. Or perhaps there’s just one idea that you think looks pretty good. Either way, you need to some feasibility testing. To narrow a long list to a manageable number, try the Quick Feasibility Screen (at www.RolfeLarson.com click on Free Resources). It’s a …

What Do We Need: Strategic or Business Plan?

Depends. All too often, these two terms have become blurred. But they are different concepts. Here’s a good way to distinguish them, quoting from the Free Management Library’s strategic plan blogger, Carter McNamara: Strategic Planning Should Be Organization-Wide Strategic planning is best viewed as clarifying the overall purpose and priorities of the organization. There are …


Every day, thousands of non-profit organizations, believing that their financial problems are soon to be over, generate/send proposals that receive, at best, a brief reading. Contrary to popular belief and unlike the grants Mr. Question-Mark touts in the TV ads, grants to non-profit organizations are not free money. Grants come with a variety of obligations. …

Leadership Approaches

I would like to spend some time examining a number of approaches to leadership (aka leadership models). These approaches, while no doubt grounded in one or more theories of leadership, can be distinguished from theories in that they attempt to place the concepts into more applied frameworks. That is, they attempt to describe leadership theories in a way that is meant to facilitate the application of the ideas.