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Calling Richard Blumenthal a Liar

I’ve had a fun day! Over at my Bernstein Crisis Management Blog, I posted an open letter to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, the increasingly infamous teller of tall tales about his alleged Vietnam service. The shy title of my blog post? Dear Richard Blumenthal: You’re a Liar Practicing what I preach, I then Tweeted …

The Chemistry is Necessary if You Want to Win

Since moving to Cleveland ten years ago, I have watched many disappointing seasons for Cleveland sports teams. A common statement heard by Clevelanders all over the city every year is “this is our year.” Every year could be the year for multiple Cleveland teams including the Indians, Browns and Cavs and every year seems to bring disappointment and frustration for the fans, players, and owners alike.

The Spirit of Appreciation

One spiritual practice that I continue to learn about and grow into is the practice of gratitude and appreciation (I’ll be writing a lot about this topic). When we are in a state of appreciation we are transmitting some of the highest and most spiritual energy vibrations as possible. As appreciation elevates our own energy …

Are We Really Just Looking for Leaders to Save Us From Ourselves?

Guest submission from Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, LLC. An Earlier Time When We Fantasized Heroic Leaders In the 1960s and ‘70s, many of us took part in “rap” sessions. Back then, rapping was a free-floating discussion, usually centered around utopian dreams of what society should be, but wasn’t. We lamented how corrupt “the establishment” …

Tools of the Trade 3: The Call

You have sent out your news release. Now what? Get back to what you do best? Take a walk? Sit by the phone and wait? Most people who don’t have a public relations person in their company, or don’t use a PR advisor or agency often make the mistake of thinking that just because the …


In case you haven’t yet been there and done that, applying for and accepting a grant is the equivalent of signing a contract – in some cases, there really is a contract. The process is that grantors publish parameters for projects/programs they will fund, and you request funding for a project/program that is within their …

Business Plan Software Recommendations

Writing a business plan takes time. Using software can help organize your work and save you some time, especially if you haven’t written one before. Here’s a quick summary of what, from my experience, are the three best choices: Business Plan Pro by Palo Alto Software claims it’s the best selling business planning software for …

Form Follows Function

It used to be that there were essentially three choices: private, public, or nonprofit. Privately-held companies offer the most flexibility, without outside investors or the IRS constantly looking over your shoulders. A privately held social enterprise can choose to invest some of its profits into achieving social impact without anyone second-guessing those decisions. But if …