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How Much Do TikTok Ads Cost? 2024 Pricing Explained

TikTok took its time to start a proper ad program, which pushed brands to find other ways to get noticed on the app. This led influencer marketing and branded promotions to take off on TikTok. While TikTok began to try out advertising in 2020, it wasn’t until 2022 that their ad efforts picked up steam. …
Part two: Tips on Communicating Your Business Case In continuing the topic of business cases, here are some tips on creating a Business Case. How do you begin to create your business case? A business case justifies the value of a project by defining the goal and scope of the project. It will describe the …
“Well, I guess that’s about all I have.” “Well, I guess we are out of time.” “That’s about it.” How do you close your meetings and presentations? Hopefully not like these endings, which are common enough, but entirely ineffective. Closing your presentation can be challenging, especially if you have run out of time, taken a …
What is Business Case Communication? A business case is a document that describes the reason why something has to be done. It will describe the usefulness of the project and the consequences if the project is not approved. Because it is a document that defines the project and its purpose, it can almost be compared …
How does a technical writer and developer communicate how a product works to a user? How do they communicate functionality, to make their audience’s user experience easier? They plan it out by knowing their audience, knowing what is expected of the product through meetings and through training. Knowing the audience Create the product needed by …
Are you prepared to introduce yourself in a way that builds credibility and trust and engagement? If you are uneasy or uncomfortable introducing yourself, or doing it poorly, your presentation, meeting, or training session can get off to a bad start. Take time to plan and rehearse your openings. Guidelines: State your name clearly, maybe …
Technical Writers describe error messages that appear within many documents and applications. They are useful, necessary, and required. Without these warning messages, readers\users would not know that, e.g., an incorrect key was pressed or that some information was missing to complete a task. Error messages describe what to do (or not), what information is required, …
Some meetings and training sessions seem to drag because you can’t get a good discussion going. Other times, people start talking and can’t seem to stop, or arguments and conflicts devour precious time. In order to facilitate effectively, you need to know both how to get a group started, and then how to manage the …