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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Deleting posts once they’ve grabbed the public’s attention is a cardinal sin of modern crisis management Anyone experienced with social media crisis management can tell you, deleting a post after it’s become the center of public controversy is a major faux pause. Of course, that doesn’t stop an incredible number of well-known figures and organizations …
U.S. CPSC putting social media and e-comms to work to better protect the public Just yesterday we ran a post applauding the crisis management efforts put forth by FEMA’s, and now we have another example of excellent crisis communications to share, this time from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. These are the guys …
Innocent on a technicality, but the court of public opinion has already judged Deen guilty In an interesting development, a judge has denied the claims of racial discrimination brought against Paula Deen by ex-employee Lisa Jackson. That’s right, the charge that brought Paula Deen’s TV empire crashing down in a matter of days has been …
Apple is in trouble as it faces court cases and political scrutiny without a cushion of goodwill Apple is infamous for its approach, or, perhaps more accurately, lack of approach, when it comes to creating goodwill. While this approach stood as an anomaly in the PR world for some time, the company is now facing …
Do your crisis management plans include being blackballed by the competition? So-called “black hat” tactics, often effective but unethical, or even illegal, ways of achieving goals, do exist in the world of PR and marketing. While, for the most part, reputable organizations have a policy of not putting shady tactics to work, employees looking to …
Take steps to avoid this preventable crisis The focus on content creation as the new, must-do form of marketing has resulted in an incredible number of completely involuntary copyright infringements across the web. Even experts who literally work with web content every single day are running into foul territory! For proof, look no further than …
Ignoring the 24/7 nature of social media is asking for trouble Neglecting the fact that social media crisis pays no regard to standard business hours led to embarrassment for Qantas Airlines after a pornographic image sat on its Facebook page for some seven hours, only being removed after a child spotted the pic and brought …