Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
Guest Submission by Steven Ober, EdD Leaders live and work in complex systems. In fact, we all do. These systems include our organizations, our teams, our families, our communities, and our larger society. In today’s world, it is incumbent on those of us who coach leaders to deepen and broaden our ability to coach from …
Have you ever noticed that the day before you leave for vacation is your most productive day of the year? From my perspective here are some reasons why we become “super efficient”. I suggest these strategies to my coaching clients who are getting ready for vacation – I trust they will help you, too. Focus …
This blog entry examines the specific behaviors associated with transformational leadership and the impact they have on organizational performance.
A common theme that emerges with many of my coaching clients is that they would like more feedback. They would like to know if they are doing a good job and are on track with what is expected of them. Further, if they are not meeting the expectations, they would like to know what they …
This entry states that the bottom line objective of transformational leadership could be referred to as a leader’s efforts to align his or her goals, and the goals of team members, with the strategic goals of the organization. The questions that are addressed are whether this approach to leadership shows evidence of any positive outcomes, let alone the aforementioned grand objective.
We often generalize leadership and skills to be the same traits needed all the time and everywhere by all leaders. Is leadership really that simple? Let’s look at different domains of leadership and the different skills that are needed in each. Leading Yourself To effectively lead yourself, useful skills are, for example: physical fitness decision-making …
Many of my coaching clients struggle to maintain work-life balance. With all of their family and work demands they feel out of equilibrium. One client shared this metaphor about balance that I trust will help you look at your work-life balance in a different way. She views life balance as a teeter totter – one …