Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
Effective supervisors have more than a title on their doors. They also have the trust and confidence of those on their team. Personal credibility is the working asset in every relationship, both personal and business. People have credibility with each other or they don’t. When they do, work gets done, goals are met, and extraordinary …
In a recent coaching conversation, my client wanted to work on “how to have more influence in his organization.” He felt that he was being overlooked for opportunities. He wanted to influence others more effectively in order to advance in his leadership coaching tips role. Here are some ways to influence others in the workplace …
We talk about change as a process, but it is also the emergence of a new system from within the existing system. This systemic evolution occurs when we are unable to incorporate environmental discontinuities into the current Status Quo. As organizational Adaptive Strain increases, a cycle of change is induced. “How are we going to …
The attitude “I don’t give a rip about my job” happens every single day. Employees get this way when they are bored with their job, feel like a faceless cog in a big wheel, or don’t know how “what they do” specifically contributes to the goals of their department or business unit. So what causes …
Supervision is a widely misunderstood term. Many people believe it applies only to people who oversee the productivity and development of entry-level workers. That’s not true. The term “supervisor” typically refers to one’s immediate superior in the workplace, that is, the person whom you report directly to in the organization. For example, a middle manager’s …
We’re Carter McNamara and Marcia Zidle, co-hosts of this blog. You can read more about us next to our pictures in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of supervision, and will focus especially on practical tips and tools in posts published at least once a week, including posts from guest writers. You …
The events of last week remind us that VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) lives just under our radar screen and can catapult us from the status quo into radical change instantly. Like the 2008 economic crisis, events of this magnitude create unavoidable systemic strain that threaten to tear organizations, even countries, apart. As leaders, we …