Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
If there are limited opportunities in your department or company for promotions, how do you keep staff excited and motivated and morale up during tough times? Here are six suggestions that will go a long way to enhance the employee career development of your staff as well as increase their commitment during times of change …
One of my first jobs after coming back from the United States Marines Corps was an inside sales job, downtown in a family-owned men’s clothing store. I had no preconceived notions. In fact, I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted to earn money and I was determined to do my best. However, it did …
If an Agile Enterprise is an intersection of five big ideas that can, and will, change the way we experience work (see January 7, 2013 blog on this topic), how do we begin the process? Many accomplished thinkers are addressing this question. For an ongoing review see The Drucker Society European Blog or Steve Denning. …
“I’m at my wits end with one of my people regarding fill out reports in a consistent way. I’ve tried to be understanding and nice but it’s not working. I fear that I may explode the next time it happens.” Not dealing directly with the performance problem is common response. Many managers struggle with their …
My loyal blog readers have read my post on the 5 Ps of Preparation - Purpose, Product, People, Probable Issues, and Process. While all are important, which "P" is the most essential when preparing for a meeting?
I have just been promoted to a supervisor in a call center and I’m responsible for hiring. What are the best questions to ask when interviewing call center workers? A great deal depends upon whether these people will be taking orders (incoming and therefore the emphasis is on the applicant’s customer service skills) or truly …
The outstanding boss is more than a good manager; she’s a good leader. Pay attention to these 10 tips and be the boss everyone wants to work for. 1. Have a vision. Before you can lead your people, you’ll need something to lead them to. Where are you going? How will you get there? How …