Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Are you a Rhino or an Eagle? Last week’s bombing in Boston sent shock waves across the land. As we sat watching and waiting for the events to unfold, many felt scared and helpless. Others stepped up to the plate offering support, food, shelter, and comfort. Such an event can easily lead a country or …
Often we don’t pursue our passion or dreams because we don’t think it’s possible or practical to achieve them. How many times have you heard some one squelch a dream or aspiration with the words, “That’s not very realistic”. When some one thought to put a computer on every desk, Tom Watson, then president of …
During my career, I have been given a few nuggets of wisdom from people with whom I have made contact. Upon truly understanding their meaning, those words shaped a paradigm shift in my thinking that transformed the way in which I did my work or lived my life. Other pieces of wisdom I heard simply …
We all know that the relationships in our lives are so important. In fact, motivational speaker Brian Tracy said that 80% of our success in life really depends on our relationships. Yet how many of our relationships are really connections with people that go deep, that matter? With all the social media outlets, we are …
I’ve been thinking lately about the differences between life purpose, goals, and dreams. Share your thoughts on these in the comments below. I’d love to hear how you distinguish these and use them in your life. Life Purpose Many people think, “If I figured out my life purpose, I’ll know what job to pursue”. You …
If you’ve lost your job in the recent economic downturn, now is a wonderful opportunity to find your Right Livelihood. Use this time to fully examine your skill set and where your growing edge is. Don’t be afraid to explore something new, more in alignment with your skills and interests. If you are still in …
This week has been a big one for me to face my fears and see past the illusions. Many people are reacting with fear to news from Washington of the budget problems. Perhaps your job is affected by that. I want to offer some thoughts here to help you step through any fears or doubts …