Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Wanting to have a sense of purpose at work is one of the key drivers for the spirituality in the workplace movement. You might have heard this question before, “What gets you out of bed in the morning (especially Monday morning)?” Those with a sense of purpose, who have a reason for being, want to …
One of the best motivational movies I’ve seen in a VERY long time is with DeWitt Jones, a National Geographic photographer, called Celebrate What’s Right with the World. I can’t recommend this movie strongly enough. I’ve seen it over a dozen times and still find it heart- warming and inspiring. The photography is amazing and …
Career success does not happen just because one does good work. That is expected. To get ahead and stay ahead, you must excel. Here are three strategies to manage your competitive edge. 1. Become a Career Entrepreneur The business of career management is that—an independent business that you manage—even if you work for someone else. …
Unleash Your Potential: Acting in Business Training This all began as a comment to my LinkedIn colleagues of actors, trainers, speakers, and assorted other related professionals. Someone had asked the question: In your opinion what is the difference between an actor and a speaker? It actually stirred up quite the controversy. Actors, speakers, and trainers …
In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, this post will be dedicated to gratitude. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can make you happier. Take a moment and test the theory. Stop reading and spend the next few minutes naming things (out loud is ok) for which you are grateful. How many of you smiled at just the thought of those things? If your thoughts turned to people for whom you are grateful, how have you expressed this to them? If you answered yes, then how long ago? Are you saying to yourself, "they know I am thankful for them and can't live without them." Are you sure?
Greg Law is a long time friend and one of the many people awakening now on our little planet. Greg has worked as an I.T. person most of his life, while quietly offloading a very persistent ego. He hopes to interest medical researchers in making the egoectomy procedure the next big thing in medicine. He …
New Years is the perfect time to send a card with your company’s heartfelt wishes for health, happiness and prosperity.