Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
In my new job, I have to make a presentation to upper management. In the past I’ve gotten tongue tied and failed to get support for a project. How can I get them to take my ideas seriously?” Take a step back for a moment. When someone doesn’t understand your ideas immediately, don’t label him …
After Best Practices comes Wise-Guy Best Practices. If I have to listen to another Best Practices (BP) presentation… If I say that they don’t always work, someone is bound to say to me: “Okay, Wise Guy, why not? You probably want to substitute training for something that’s proven successful.” Let me say at the outset: …
Greetings, After completing my A-Z blogs on Spirituality at Work, I would like to build on this example by highlighting examples of people living out their spirituality. I’ll be writing another A-Z blog series, this time highlighting case studies of how people live out their spirituality at work and home. For example, for the letter …
What influences career success the most? A McKinsey Global Survey asked executives about decisions or events that led to a significant long-term positive change in their work life. One of the most interesting findings was that both men and women said the single most pivotal event in their careers occurred when they were around the …
This passage is taken from my forthcoming book – Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand. My book is based on the premise that we are spiritual beings who navigate through our daily earthly experiences to discover or create wholeness, transformation, and joy. A key ingredient to staying grounded in shifting sand is to remember Who You …
Many ambitious professionals are so involved in projects and fire fighting that they forget about managing their careers. Don’t let these seven career mistakes derail your career. 1. Burning bridges along the way. Each profession may seem big – but, as you move up in your career, you come to realize how ‘small’ each really …
“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.” – Alfred Painter Thank YOU for taking the time to read my A-Z Spirituality in the Workplace series and share your comments. I was inspired to write this poem to capture the essence of this work. The A-Z of your Soul at Work …