Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
Some of our lives are meant to be a living example of spirituality. Some of us are meant to witness other people’s lives as a living spiritual example and learn from that. Either way, it takes an open heart and eyes to see how different people’s lives can impact ours. I struggled finding a V …
An important spiritual practice at work involves paying attention to when your personal agenda or ego gets in the way of making a relationship work smoothly. Way too many team conflicts and bad decisions happen due to egos and personal agendas. I like the corporate culture of Southwest Airlines that supports people taking their job …
“I love the company, the culture, and the people. The problem is that I’m bored in my current job. Things are too predictable, and you’re not challenged in the way that you used to be. You’re thinking of looking elsewhere.” Finding a new position within your organization may be easier than searching for a new …
Some of my favorite daily messages come the the Daily Word from Unity. Each day a spiritual message of hope shows up in my inbox to greet me with love and encouragement as I walk on my spiritual journey. Often times the message is exactly what I need to hear. A specific word will confirm …
Not everyone is motivated by the same thing. It really is different strokes for different folks. Some people thrive on being creative and innovative whereas others prefer stability and continuity. Challenge and constant simulation may be important to one person, while creating a work/life balance is paramount to another. So, what is important to you …
I was fortunate enough to attend a program by Thich Nhat Hanh recently. He is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who has been teaching about mindfulness and peace for over 50 years. I was first influenced by his writing in the 80’s when I read his book, Being Peace. He writes that we must create peace …
Peace pilgrimage He is referred to as the Peace Troubadour, who is passionate about spreading peace throughout the world. In fact just now he is in Assisi hoping to create a wave of peace from the little towns that Saint Francis found famous. He shared how the leaders of the major religions of the world …