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497 results found

Leadership Theories

There is a wide and ever growing variety of theories to explain the concept and practice of leadership. I will provide a brief overview of the more dominant or better known theories. It is important to note that this submission attempts to provide an overview of leadership theories versus models. I view models as attempts to functionalize the more theoretical aspects of leadership and make them easier to put into play by organizations and consultants. This is, in and of itself, an important activity.

Training problem or HPI problem?

I was reading a post on linked-in on the problems with determining how to deal with problems such as leadership, miss-management and so on. This lead to me thinking that leadership and miss-management and things such as environment or ergonomics are not training problems at all they are in effect Human performance problems. Training is …

Why Training and Team Building Don’t Fix Broken Boards

Too often, when Board members struggle with attendance, participation, or decision-making, they simplistically resort to a Board training session or undertake team building and training to address their problems. Those techniques seldom work to address those problems. Why Board Training Alone Seldom Restores Boards It is not uncommon that Board members want a “quick fix” to …

127 Best Businesses to Start For July 2024: An In-Depth Guide to Start Your Own Business

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace. The advent of new technologies, the rise of the digital economy, and the changing needs of consumers have all contributed to a shift in the business landscape. Entrepreneurs continuously look for innovative, profitable, and profitable business ideas. This comprehensive guide will explore the 127 best businesses to …

The Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA for Nonprofits

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA for Nonprofits – Program You Can Provide © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Much of this program is based on materials adapted from the Nonprofit Capacity Building Toolkit(SM) and Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development With Nonprofits. Complete, Free Nonprofit Development Program As a free, self-paced program for …

The Free Micro-eMBA for Businesses

Free Micro-eMBA for Business — Program You Can Provide © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Complete, Free Business Development Program As a free, self-paced program for entrepreneurs to develop a business organization. As a free, self-paced program to better understand basic systems and practices in business. Organizations to promptly provide a business …

Career Advancement and Boss Relations: Effective Strategies

This topic is about advancing in the same career field. If you are interested in planning your career, see Career Planning. If you are interested in changing your career, see Career Change. Sections of This Topic Include New Boss: Make a Great First Impression Influencing Up: How to Get Them to Say Yes Your Relationship …

Using the Arts to Train Leaders

I recently reviewed a wonderful professional production of URINETOWN THE MUSICAL and then later came home to The Tony Awards Show. (Ironically, the musical is a satire on corporations and government, taking advantage of the people, and multitude of other things not necessary to go into here.) In spite of the subject matter, the experience …

How Constructive Conflict Can Supercharge Teams

We often talk about good teamwork as everyone getting along and coming together with the same vision. It may sound counter intuitive to say the best way to promote teamwork is through conflict. Teamwork coaching rhetoric often tells us conflict is something to be avoided, but the truth is that a healthy amount of discord …

Four Ways to Deal with Sharks and Minnows in the Office

Funny thing about sharks. They don’t really go after minnows; they are too small. But they will go after each other once blood is drawn. That usually involves a bite on the back by one shark, and others wanting keep their place join in the frenzy until only a few edible fragments sink to the …