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497 results found

130+ Original Business Ideas: A Comprehensive Guide

‍Starting your business is exciting and rewarding. However, finding a unique and viable business idea can be challenging. This guide presents 130 original business ideas and highlights the different sectors you can venture into, whether you’re interested in online businesses, tech startups, farming, logistics, or outdoor jobs. >>Recommended Reading: 127 Best Businesses to Start in …

Great Home-Based Business Ideas

The trend of working remotely and starting businesses from home has increased for the past decade, especially in the United States, where millions of self-employed individuals have acted upon home business ideas and work regularly from home.  Whether you’re looking for a change in lifestyle or a side gig to supplement your income, starting a …

Tips for Creating a Great Resume: A Comprehensive Guide

‍In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume can make all the difference in landing your dream job. But with so much conflicting advice, figuring out where to start can take time. A well-written resume is critical in today’s competitive job market and makes the difference in getting your dream job. However, what makes a …

All You Need to Know About Reverse Recruiting: The Ultimate Guide

Discover reverse recruiting and how it can help your company attract talent. Recruitment is continuously changing, and firms that want to attract top talent must keep up with the current advances. Reverse recruiting is one such approach that has garnered significant momentum in recent years. This guide will go into reverse recruiting, studying its definition, …

The Ultimate Guide to People Operations

People operations empower your employees to become productive and fulfilled in the workplace. It’s essential for you to invest time and effort in people ops because your workforce is the backbone of your business. Although the term “people operations” is relatively new, it’s a traditional concept that is closely related to human resources (HR). What …

Developing & Managing Volunteer Programs

Nearly 78 million Americans volunteered their time for an organization in 2019—that’s about 30% of the population—according to AmeriCorps. Nonprofit organizations and other companies that rely on volunteers should be developing and managing volunteer programs that benefit the organization and volunteers. It all starts with a well-designed plan. This Library topic is called “Developing & …

Improvements Needed in Management Development Programs

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Sections of This Topic Include About this Document Need More Learner-Driven Programs (accommodate learners’ expressed needs) Need More Focus on Self-Management (management development starts with people) Address Increasing Cynicism (get past quick fixes to realistic expectations) Address Increasing Burnout (information alone rarely helps) Help Leaders Help …

Many Types of Learning

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Sections of This Topic Include General Information Accelerated Learning Adaptive Learning Blended Learning Inquiry and Reflection Loops of Learning Social Learning and Networked Learning Virtual Learning (Distance Learning) (Online Learning) Organizational and Group Learning Also consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related …

Various Resources About Learning Theory

Theory Into Practice (TIP) database David Kolb’s learning styles model and experiential learning theory Instructional Design Models & Theories Learner-Centered Psychological Principles Also consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Learning Theories In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related …

Principles of — and Myths About — Adult Learning

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Sections of This Topic Include Some Contemporary Principles of Adult Learning — Principles Too Often Forgotten Understand Common Myths About Training and Development Additional Resources Library’s Blogs About Training and Development Also, consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Adult Learning …