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497 results found

Training Every Employee to be CEO

Can we train every employee to be CEO one day? Of course, it would be a rare employee that ends in that lofty position, but shouldn’t it be possible? The idea isn’t to convince workers that is their career path, but to let them feel a part of the entire operation in a way that …

Defining, Accepting and Training “Innovation,” Part Two

“We talk about innovation constantly, but step outside the chain of command and you get your hand slapped with the reminder that ‘You can’t understand the politics involved.’ The key to innovation is really believing that everyone has a worthwhile perspective — not saying it, but meaning it.” The quote above from a member of …

Training for Survival: How to be the Fittest in Today’s Economy

With the title of this article, there should be no surprise that I have been reading a book or two that echo the words of Charles Darwin. I have, but not a scholarly book. Still, a significant book when we consider the topic of man and survival. Yes, I have been reading Tarzan of the …

Character Training

One thing that I’ve noticed is, that no matter how hard we try as trainers, the results are limited to the character of our trainers, trainees and managers. What if we could depend on character to make our training a success. The only character we can depend on is our own, and if we are …

Training The Government Where the Buck Stops

As a customer service manager, I am called upon to train others on the subject. In my search for continuous learning, I happen to run across an article by Pivot Point Solutions, based on President Obama’s Executive Order to improve customer service. What a lot of people don’t know is that, although the Executive Order …

In Business as in Sport: Straight Sets of Training and Professional Development

Jason Novosel, Novo Horizons Management Training, our guest blogger gave me a quote this morning: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” (George Horace Lorimer). I thought this would be a good day to look south to my Australian colleague for his answers on …

Training by Toastmasters?

This is both a training and a communication topic. A single question this time, but with a big impact and controversy. The question had to come up sooner or later–one that I was afraid I’d have to answer as a trainer and a speaker. Why Toastmasters, a great international organization that helps people learn public …

Results of New Daring to Lead Study on Nonprofit Leadership – What a Board Should Know

A new national study of nonprofit executive leadership provides a keen insight into and useful benchmarking statistics on the state of nonprofit leadership. Daring to Lead 2011 is a joint project of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and the Meyer Foundation. The report is based on responses from over 3000 executive directors and follows similar studies completed in 2001 and 2006.

Training Blogs – Using the Web to Train the World

Your first reaction is to say: “You can’t train with Training Blogs alone.” You are absolutely correct; however, it’s human nature to look for the quickest and easiest way to do anything, and it takes some prodding to be thorough and detailed. It is certainly faster today than it was in the past to learn …

Training Function: From Warm and Fuzzy to Strategic

We have to understand and cater to our worker’s needs now more than ever for a company to be successful. I’ve been mulling over this for some time–since I received the following comment: In the past few years the training field perhaps more than any other has been undergoing tremendous transition and evolution–from a warm-and-fuzzy …