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497 results found

3 Keys to Organizational Development Training Strategies

Organizational Development Training Strategies: 3 Essentials “Where the hell have you men been,” asks the colonel in a 1981 Bill Murray comedy film, Stripes. (video) “Training, Sir,” he answers, drawing out the word “training” until it sounds ridiculous. And funny, of course. The troops, feeling responsible for their sergeant’s hospitalization and under the “emergent” leadership …

Training in a Truly Foreign Country, Part I

Training in another country is not like training in Cincinnati when you live in Florida. Even when that training is simple. There are some other considerations. In the Far East, or Middle East for that matter, there may not be many signs in English or anything close to English unless it is a picture of …

Are We Training Corporations to be Too Powerful?

The following is strictly commentary. The comments made here are mine and mine alone, and in no part are related to The Free Management Library. Powerful corporations taking advantage the general population seems to be the stereotype, doesn’t it? Are, we, trainers, helping them do that? I know this sounds somewhat sacrilegious, since I, too, …

Useful Quotes for Training and Education, Part II

As promised, here is Part II of Useful Quotes for Training and Education. I have decided, on a whim really, that I will sit down with my new speech students and let them discuss the meaning of the following quotes, and how they might use them in a speech. Of course, there are useful quotes …

Creating the Perfect Training and Development Strategy

Everyone who follows this blog knows that I tend to take a softer approach to training that at times may not seem as traditional or as typical of the training principles you are taught in school. I also don’t tend to weigh my page down with off-the-shelf products, although guest writers are more than welcome …

Understanding Training Success: The Android Syndrome

I saw an interesting article, the Best Kept Secrets of Successful Business People, but found many of its ideas fit anyone who seeks training success. And there is a purely selfish reason they are kept secret. However, the question for trainers is: Can you train someone to be successful? I have to answer: Not really. …

Servant Leadership in Spiritual Communities – Part 1

Crystal Davis read my blog posts last year and emailed me inquiring about other resources related to Spirituality at work. She’s doing her dissertation on Servant Leadership. I’ve enjoyed exchanging ideas with her over the past year. I invited Crystal to share some of her dissertation topic for our blog posts this month. Here is …

Caribbean Cops Get Crisis Communications Training

Practice makes perfect Police forces the world over are embracing the importance of communication for crisis management, reputation management, and community building. Here’s one example, out of far-off Trinidad & Tobago, from a Guardian Media article: Senior officials of the Police Service embarked on an intensive three-day training workshop yesterday on how to communicate better …

Supportive Leadership – The 5 Basic Rules

(This is a guest post from Professor Günther H. Schust and is based on his free ebook “Supportive Leadership.”) More than two thirds of all problems in our society result from a decrepit leadership culture in economy and politics which allows indispensable profound reforms (i.e. climate protection, finance and tax legislation) and “green” technologies for …

Training Stereotypes for Success

We all seem to have answers for success, but they aren’t the same. Are there stereotypes of success? It’s not just about training stereotypes for success: that is people who look and act like us and have the same education and training. It’s a start, but there’s more. As trainers, it is important for us …