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497 results found

How to Manage Group Conflict

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD Sections of This Topic Include Test – How Good Are You at Facilitating Conflict in a Group Now? How to Manage Group Conflict How to Help Group Members Get Unstuck Additional Perspectives on Conflict Management in Groups Also consider Related Library Topics Note that many methods intended for addressing …

Engaging in Dialogues: Effective Communication

Note that the reader might best be served to first read the topic Group Dynamics to understand the basic nature of most groups and their typical stages of development. (It’s not clear at this time if online groups have similar natures and stages.) Various Perspectives on Dialoguing Facilitation Library Introduction to Dialogue Bohm dialogue The …

Team Performance Development Planning

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business and Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff. Strongly Suggested Pre-Reading Team Performance Management: Performance Appraisal Phase Approaches to Team Development Planning As in our descriptions of the performance planning and performance appraisal …

Effective Committees

How to Accomplish Effective Committees Sections of This Topic Include How to Increase Attendance and Participation in Committees Additional Perspectives on Effective Committees Also consider Related Library Topics Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Effective Committees In addition to the articles on this current page, see the following blogs which have posts related …

Free Resource Supersites

Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD If you want to add a new link now to a site that provides a a large amount of free, online resources about a wide range of management topics, please first read the short section “Add to Library” referenced from the sidebar. For-Profits and Nonprofits Nonprofit-Specific Sites Various Supersites …

Staffing and Supervision: Managing Employees and Volunteers

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Module #10: © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Much of this program is based on materials adapted from the Nonprofit Capacity Building Toolkit(SM). This module is in the organization development program. However, this module can also be used by anyone as a self-study exercise to learn more about staffing …

Exploring the Nonprofit CEO Role: Responsibilities and Impact

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Module #3: Role of Nonprofit Chief Executive Officer © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. This learning module is in the nonprofit organization development program. However, this module can also be used by anyone as a self-study exercise to learn more about the role of the nonprofit chief executive officer.) …

Designing Your Program Evaluation Plans

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Module #11: Designing Your Program Evaluation Plans © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Much of the information in this module is adapted from Field Guide to Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing , and Evaluation.) This learning module is in the nonprofit organization development program. However, this module can also be …

Designing and Marketing Your Programs

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Module #7: Designing and Marketing Your Programs © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Much of this program is based on materials adapted from the Nonprofit Capacity Building Toolkit(SM). Much of the content of this module was adapted from the guidebook, Field Guide to Nonprofit Program Design, Marketing and Evaluation. …

How to Provide the Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Program for Nonprofits

Free Nonprofit Micro-eMBA Program. How to Provide the Program for Nonprofits? © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. You Can Provide a Program with Little Expertiseor Resources! You have a wonderful opportunity to offer very low-cost, “nutsand bolts” development program for nonprofits in your area!Offering the program will be much easier than you …