
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Part One: Planning For Organizational Survival Non-profit organizations (NPOs) exist to provide services that would not otherwise be available to many in the community. Too many NPOs fail to survive, however, because the people responsible for their creation aren’t fully aware of what it takes to effectively provide for the needs of the community. Non-profits …
In many organizations, the announcement of a future event moves staff to wave their hands and raise their voices, saying that, “I want to help, I love events.” The theme and the goals and objectives of an event are (often) determined by the organization’s development team – the event being part of their annual fundraising …
… So We’d better Find A Consultant in Our Area. There is a myth about hiring campaign counsel that, in essence, says that you should hire someone from your area because they will know the area and all the people, and will be better able to point you at the right prospective leaders and donors. …
Once you have identified a promising federal grant opportunity, and before you invest the “usual” time and energy, you should first determine if this federal opportunity is for you…or not !! The Five Basic Questions Once you have carefully studied the grant guidelines, you should be able to address the following: 1. Are you eligible? …
Measure Email Success: Individual Email Outcomes Email is a very measurable tool, and it’s important that you measure your results so you can report on the effectiveness of your email program. In this post, I’ll suggest the most meaningful metrics for you to examine an individual message’s results against previous emails. In the next post, …
An email I received not long ago asked: “What can a small non-profit, looking to raise about $5 million for a Capital Campaign, expect to pay for a consultant to conduct a study and then (guide) the Capital Campaign?” The size of your non-profit relates to the question only in the context of whether you …
Recently, someone asked a question about Celebrity Auctions, and what immediately came to mind was how much money could I get for auctioning off a celebrity? If it is the right celebrity, probably a lot !! But seriously folks…. Celebrities are a great way to bring out the crowd. Having a celebrity at your event …