
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
This is the first in (what’s likely to be) a long series of postings about the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Workplace giving, with the CFC, is the only type of non-profit fundraising that is subsidized, low-risk and high leverage. If you’re not familiar with the CFC, let me share a few facts and debunk a …
That question was asked on one of the listserves where I am (usually) just a lurker, but was one I felt moved to answer. What I said was that…. I’ve been a fundraising consultant for well over 30 years, and I obtained my CFRE when the program was relatively new – back in the early …
Although Merriam-Webster defines grantsmanship simply as “the art of obtaining grants,” the reality is so much more than that. A broader, more realistic (somewhat dramatic) definition of that term would be, “The cradle to grave process for ‘birthing,’ ‘raising’ and managing grants.” Regularly, on this blog, I will share my experiences, real world examples, and …
An Ethical Question: The following is based on a question raised by a financial planner…. In the non-profit world, there is an ethical prohibition against anyone profiting by advising/encouraging another to make a gift to a non-profit organization. There is also a specific prohibition against anyone being compensated by a percentage of any amounts donated …
Before you apply for a federal grant, you should determine whether your organization has the financial capability to use federal funds properly. A Financial Checklist… …to help you determine whether or not you are ready to apply for a federal grant. □ Has the IRS classified your organization as a tax-exempt entity? To apply for …
A key problem for many new nonprofits is that most of their founders, that “small number of caring people who want to help,” have the impression that fundraising has to do with “fundraisers” — special events or sales: dinners, circuses, golf tournaments, T-shirts, cookies or candy. That couldn’t be farther from reality. While those activities …
Email is a very measurable tool, and it’s important that you measure your results so you can report on the effectiveness of your email program. In this post, I’ll suggest the most meaningful metrics for you to view your measuring email success as a whole. I like to measure this and report it on a …