
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
We should (and usually do) work hard to make our best possible case for support to corporations … wanting them to know as much as possible about us. But an equally important issue is, “What do we know about them?” I was recently thinking about the extent, the depth, to which we have to know …
Too often we wind up letting the tail wag the dog. I know, I’ve been there. Not long ago, I came across an RFP (Request for Proposal) that was outside the scope of what our organization was planning to do during the current fiscal year. I talked to our program staff, and they came up …
The Senior Development Person functions in four broad areas: •  Long- and Short-Term Planning        Working with Leadership •  Operational Planning and Analysis        Working with Leadership, Administration and Staff to identify        and select the (marketing, public relations and development)        programs that will best address established goals and        objectives. •  Coordinating Development Activities with those of the other depts. •  Program …
Developing a grant proposal to a government agency is a risky undertaking. However, there are predictable risks that you should anticipate and address. If you do not address them at the beginning of your effort, your may have trouble submitting a competitive grant proposal by the deadline. Risks and How to Address Them Below are …
The Development Office and its staff functions with-and-through a volunteer cadre, and: •  Participates in the strategic planning process to address the     feasibility of attaining specific long-range and short-term     funding goals. •  Is responsible for working with Leadership and Administration     in planning and implementing the activities needed to generate     the funding required to meet the goal established …
Going Over And Beyond A Foundation Program Officer’s Role Recently, a disgruntled grant seeker I know told me that he was so upset with what he said was a “blatant” turndown from a foundation Program Officer that he was going to go over that official’s head to appeal to a board member of the foundation …
A reader asked: If my 501 (c) 3 organization receives a check/donation in January 2012 (postmark is also for January 2012), but the check has a December 2011 date, is it correct that we are to record that donation as 2012 income … even though the intent of the donor may be for the gift …