
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Grant Reports Aren’t Always Required, But They’re (Almost) Always A Good Idea !! Not sure about you, but the dog eating my homework excuse never worked for me. And not turning in a grant report to a funder who requires one is not going to work either. At best, you’ll be given an extension for …
And Some Questions in Response: We are a small 501(c)(3) arts organization with an annual budget of about $25,000 in a small community of about 4,000. We are looking at mounting a capital campaign to buy a building and make it a community arts center. Most buildings of the needed size are selling for $100,000 …
One of the most precious commodities in any government grant proposal effort is the amount of time you have to conceptualize, develop, produce, and deliver your proposal. For many nonprofit organizations, time slips away too easily. Phases of Grant Proposal Development There is a good four-phase rule-of-thumb that can be applied to grants, each phase …
Responsible planning, in any economy, involves identifying sources of funding sufficient to ensure continuation/survival of the programs that satisfy the needs of the people and the communities you serve. Ensuring the funding of your programs requires that you minimize the risk of (again?) losing a large percentage of your income. According to “Giving USA 2011,” …
If you have a donor’s email address, use it several times without asking for money. The best way to use a donor’s email address is to thank them for a recent gift, and tell them how their money is being used. If you have a donor’s email address on file, then send them an email …
Strategic Planning Every nonprofit must periodically assess its success in pursuing its mission and must evaluate its progress toward achieving its long-term goals and objectives. Those assessments and evaluations can only proceed if an organization has clearly established (and periodically) confirms its reason for being and has established benchmarks by which it can judge its …
In this and the next several CFC posts, we’ll examine some of the steps that you and your organization can take to benefit from participation in the CFC, in addition to those activities that generate revenue. One challenge that many non-profits face is how to provide real opportunities for their staff members to develop their …