
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
A reader wrote: We are a new nonprofit and board, with a mission to promote health and wellness. We will likely be able to obtain a BCBS grant, but we’re now hearing that we must get board approval prior to its writing so that the board can approve the budget. Is this common practice? Our …
Until recently, most government grant proposals were developed in a defined physical space. The proposal team worked near each other, had frequent face-to-face contact, and used conference rooms in their work. The New Virtual World of Grant Proposal Construction Today, however, this traditional model of proposal development is rapidly changing. An increasing number of government …
A couple of thoughts to start the new year: The Fundraising Appeal Donors tend to be (highly) selective in deciding whose name goes on the payee line of their checks. Non-Profit Organizations, therefore, must do all they can to get donors to want to give to them. At most times, especially in a “less than …
One of the advantages of online fundraising and marketing is that the data entry is outsourced to the donor. It’s also one of the disadvantages! When a donor writes a check and mails it to you, you have to pay someone (at your organization, or at a service bureau) to open the envelope, deposit the …
To stand, to be effective over the long term, a major gifts program needs all three legs: Leaders, Prospects and Involvement of both in the life of your organization. Leadership includes the organization’s CEO, Trustees and (often) key volunteers. It’s their role to define the funding need, take their case to the public, and identify, …
Choosing Your Leadership Development Team: The CFC It’s almost spring, and now’s the time to start planning your non-profit’s CFC campaign for the 2012 campaign season. The best-selling author, Jim Collins, who wrote Good to Great, has five key principles for organizational success; and, in his own words, the single most important principle is to …
Why Not Work on Percentage, Bonus or Commission? I have long and unyieldingly stood against any form of contingent-pay in the non-profit sector — having an organization’s staff development officer working for compensation based on a percentage of funds raised, a bonus, or a commission. Such arrangements, and any variations, are denounced by major “for-the-profession” …