
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Continuing (from Tuesday) to devise/structure the process for rebuilding our relationship with our lapsed donors…. Our next step is to design our solicitation strategies based upon how “major” the lapsed donors’ gifts were … and might be again. That helps us decide whether we just send solicitation letters with return gift envelopes enclosed; if we …
It’s an old saying in development, that your best prospects for the next time are the people who gave to you last time … or the time before that, or the time before. Based on our best knowledge and understanding of the people who’ve given to us before, we should be making case-by-case judgments on …
Why are Executive Summaries so Important? Some federal grant guidelines require an Executive Summary or Project Summary. Some Project Summaries have page limitations and strict rules about their content. However, if the Executive Summary is open-ended you have an opportunity to introduce your narrative and provide a roadmap for reviewers. If your Executive Summary is …
This posting is a continuation of the email exchange that began last Tuesday. “I am happy to step down and then go through the hiring process, I just don’t understand how it works. When, specifically, do I step down from the board? Is it when we have enough money to pay staff or as soon …
By now, CFC charities know the numbers and total dollar amount of the gifts pledged to them during the CFC Fall campaign. So, if you’re in the CFC, have you asked yourself if you’re satisfied with the results of your last CFC campaign? If yes, great, if no, let me share a few tips that …
The following is the first part of an email exchange with a reader: “My partner and I are creating a non-profit organization, and we will serve as Executive Director (me) and Deputy Director (my partner) as well as, of course, founders.” Executive Director and Deputy Director are titles of functioning roles. Founder is a description …
Neither of these questions is easy to answer, so I did a little research before writing this post. When I Googled “grant win rate,” I came up with a lot of grant writing consultants that advertized win rates of 75 – 95%. I also came up with a post by Jayme Sokolow, contributor on this …