
Financing & Loans

7 Best California Credit Repair Companies Ranked for 2024

If you’re searching for the best credit repair company in California, you’re in the right place. From Credit Saint to The Credit Pros, I’m here to help you find the ideal match for your needs. Here are the top seven credit repair companies in California, USA. >> Improve Credit Rating With Credit Saint >> 7 …
Last month I defined Planned Giving. Why have a Program? I’ve got a few reasons. Build lifetime relationships. When a donor tells you they’ve put you in their estate or retirement plan, you’ve got the rest of their life to thank them. And you should take every opportunity. Draw them close to your work by …
How to Develop a Fruitful Nonprofit Fundraising Plan on Island A Reader wrote: “Even after 18 years in development, and earning the CFRE credential, I still have a hard time making the mental adjustment from thinking about our clients’ and organization’s needs to thinking about the needs of the donor. And it’s a totally foreign …
Grant proposals should go through a five-step writing process: •  Plan: Think through your proposal section. •  Organize: Use the grant guidelines as your outlining format. •  Write: Write in a free-flowing manner. •  Examine: Step back from your writing; review it later; then, let others review it. •  Revise: Emphasize clarity, conciseness, correctness, and persuasiveness. I already have discussed …
Not All of a Development Officer’s Knowledge is Portable The following is an excerpt from a listserve discussion regarding the ethics of donor confidentiality: I can’t imagine someone saying, while they’re being interviewed for a development position, “Well, I know Mr./Ms. Gotbucks, but I can’t make the initial contact with him/her if you hire me …
In my last post (on Dec. 6) I outlined the first four sections to be included in a grant proposal to a private or corporate foundation: the Cover Letter, Executive Summary, Contact Information, and General Organization Overview. This month’s post will continue with the three additional sections to include in these grant proposals: Program Description …
We are often cautioned: “Don’t discuss religion and politics.” But why not? They’re a pretty big part of our total being, our livelihood and our spiritual lives !! The “politics” thing, however, does have me walking with some care on what is often a rocky and sometimes perilous path – in these days of political …
When I saw a line in a listserve posting referencing that phrase, it took me back to my early days (30+ years ago) in fundraising. Back then, the phrase, “Give ‘Til It Hurts,” was part of the lexicon of the capital campaign. It was a simpler time, folks were a lot less self-centered than people …