How to File a DBA in Arkansas in 3 Simple Steps

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    Curious about the complexities of filing a Doing Business As (DBA) in Arkansas and the necessary steps involved? Look no further. Known as a “doing business,” obtaining a DBA in Arkansas allows entrepreneurs to adopt an alternative business name for various purposes, such as marketing, sales, and legal affairs.

    In some jurisdictions, this designation may be referred to by fictitious names, assumed names, trade names, or similar terms. Unlike a formal business structure like a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a DBA does not signify a specific business entity and lacks comparable advantages. Many business owners discover that choosing an LLC registration in Arkansas provides more extensive benefits, including tax advantages and legal protections.

    >> File a DBA in Arkansas with Business Rocket >>

    What is an Arkansas “Doing Business As” (DBA) Name?

    A DBA name is an alternative business title that a company can utilize instead of its legal business name. Certain states refer to DBA names as “fictitious names,” while the terms “DBA name,” “trade name,” and “fictitious name” all essentially mean the same thing.

    In general, there are two main categories of businesses that frequently adopt DBA names:

    • Sole proprietorships and partnerships: These business structures lack legal distinction from their owners. They often opt for DBA names to enhance professionalism or attract customers. Without a DBA, they must operate under the owners’ personal names. For instance, a sole proprietorship flower shop may choose a catchy name like “The Flower Pot” instead of the owner’s.
    • Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): These entities are legally distinct from their owners. They may use DBA names as marketing strategies. For instance, a corporation registered as “Bedding and Sleep Accessories, Incorporated” might establish a retail outlet named “Best Bedding” to target specific consumers. A corporation or LLC might adopt a DBA to introduce a new product line, such as a clothing store launching a children’s line under a different name.

    Although using a DBA name allows your business to operate under a different title, it does not constitute starting a new business and will not change your company’s tax structure.

    The regulations for DBA names in Arkansas differ from those in many other states. In Arkansas, domestic corporations must register with the county clerk where they’re operating and with the Arkansas Secretary of State. However, Pulaski County only requires state registration. Sole proprietorships need to register their DBA names at the county level.

    All other business entities must register with the Arkansas Secretary of State. Once approved, they will receive a copy of the form that must be filed with the county clerk’s office, where their business’s registered office is located.

    It’s important to note that businesses are not required to have DBA names unless they’re conducting operations under a name different from their legal name. However, using a fictitious name can provide benefits for your company. Some ways in which a DBA name can help your business include:

    • It allows you to promote your business under a fresh identity and connect with a different demographic.
    • You require a DBA name to establish a business account using any name other than your registered business name.
    • While registering a DBA name in Arkansas does not automatically confer exclusive usage rights to your fictitious name, it can serve as a deterrent against others using the same name.

    >> Register a Trade Name in Arkansas Using Business Rocket >>

    Why Hire a Professional Service to File a DBA in Arkansas? 

    Filing a DBA in Arkansas is a complex procedure that requires careful attention to detail. Mistakes made during the filing process can result in your application being rejected or, worse, facing penalties and the potential closure of your business. The state of Arkansas takes the improper use of names for legal or business purposes very seriously.

    Fortunately, there are professional services available that can help alleviate the concerns and uncertainties associated with filing a DBA. These experts have extensive knowledge of Arkansas’s requirements and can guide you in selecting an appropriate name before beginning any paperwork.

    In addition to assisting with DBAs, these service providers offer LLC services and other resources to support your business’s growth potential. After conducting thorough research, we have identified the top professional services that specialize in addressing all your DBA needs:

    Setting up a DBA in Arkansas

    To begin acquiring an Arkansas DBA, choose the suitable business entity category depending on the structure of your business.

    • Select Sole Proprietorship or Partnership if your business operates without a formal organizational structure.
    • Opt for LLC, Corporation, or LLP if your business is structured formally like an LLC or corporation.

    >> Utilize Business Rocket to Establish a DBA in Arkansas >>

    1. File a DBA in Arkansas for a Sole Proprietorship

    General partnerships and sole proprietors are required to submit their Arkansas Doing Business As (DBA) registration to the County Clerk in the county where their business is located. It’s also necessary for estates and real estate investment companies to file their DBA with the county.

    Step 1: Initiate an Arkansas Assumed Name Search

    In Arkansas, assumed names need to be both original and in line with the state’s regulations for business names.

    To get started, go to the official website of the Arkansas Secretary of State and perform a search to check if your desired DBA name has already been taken.

    Next, carefully examine the naming guidelines that apply specifically to Arkansas. Keep in mind that assumed names used in this state should not include:

    • These terms might confuse your business and a governmental entity (e.g., FBI, Treasury, State Department).
    • Phrases implying that the company is established for any illegal intent.
    • Restricted terms (e.g., Bank, Attorney, University) may require extra documentation and the involvement of a licensed professional, such as a doctor or lawyer, in your business.

    It’s recommended to verify the accessibility of the preferred name as a website domain (URL). Even if you do not have immediate intentions for a company website, reserving your URL can prevent others from obtaining it.

    Step 2: Registering a Doing Business As (DBA) in Arkansas through the County Clerk

    Individuals who run their own businesses to operate using a Doing Business As (DBA) name must submit a registration form to the appropriate county clerk’s office. This applies to both sole proprietors and partnerships, and they must file in any county where their business conducts or transacts its affairs.

    We will furnish you with a comprehensive manual that outlines the steps required to obtain a DBA in Pulaski County. Please contact your county clerk directly if you need instructions for other counties. You can find contact information for your specific county through the Arkansas State Association of Counties.

    How to File for a Pulaski County DBA:

    To ensure the originality of your chosen name, it’s recommended to first search the assumed name database of Pulaski County before starting the DBA filing process.

    After finalizing your name, you need to fill out and submit the Assumed Name Certificate to the Pulaski County Clerk. This certificate can be submitted either in person or by mail.


    $25 filing fee

    Filing Address:

    Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk

    401 W Markham St, Ste 100

    Little Rock, AR 72201

    Step 3: Administering Your Pulaski County DBA

    Renewal of Your DBA

    Your chosen pseudonym remains valid indefinitely and has no expiry date.

    Modifying Your DBA

    To change the name you’re using, you must submit a new registration for your assumed name.

    >> File Your DBA in Arkansas via Business Rocket >>

    2. File a DBA in Arkansas for an LLC or Corporation

    The business entities listed below submit the Application for Fictitious Name to the Arkansas Secretary of State.

    • For-profit Corporations, Nonprofit Corporations
    • Professional Corporations, Professional Associations
    • General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships
    • Limited Liability Companies
    • Any Foreign Filing Entities

    If you want to file a DBA for your incorporated business, there are two routes you can take. One option is to do it yourself using this guide. The other option is to hire professional services like Business Rocket or ZenBusiness.

    Step 1: Conduct an Arkansas Business Entity Search

    To meet the business name regulations in Arkansas, it’s vital that assumed names in Arkansas are both one-of-a-kind and comply with specific criteria.

    Start by visiting the official website of the Arkansas Secretary of State. Conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that your suggested Doing Business As (DBA) name is not already being used.

    Afterward, familiarize yourself with the naming guidelines set by Arkansas. Make sure to avoid including certain elements in your assumed name, such as:

    • Terms that could lead to confusion between your business and a government agency (e.g., FBI, Treasury, State Department).
    • Language indicating that the company is structured for unlawful activities.
    • Restricted expressions (e.g., Bank, Attorney, University) may require supplementary documentation involving a licensed professional, such as a doctor or lawyer in your business.

    Improve your comprehension of the guidelines for naming corporations and LLCs in Arkansas by referring to the state statutes that address this matter.

    To be proactive, verifying if your desired name is available as a web domain (URL) is advisable. Although creating a business website may not be your top priority, reserving your URL can prevent others from claiming it later.

    Step 2: Submitting Your Application for Fictitious Name in Arkansas

    If your company is not a sole proprietorship, it’s necessary to register your Doing Business As (DBA) name with the Arkansas Secretary of State. You can submit the registration online or file a physical copy.

    Unless your company’s registered office is in Pulaski County, you must give a copy of the Application for Fictitious Name to the County Clerk where your registered office is situated.

    Two filing options are available:

    • Option 1: Utilize Arkansas’s Corporations Online Filing System to file online.
    • Option 2: Submit the Application for Fictitious Name via mail or in person.

    Associated Costs:

    • Corporations and LLCs: $22.50 (online), $25 (mail or in-person)
    • All Partnerships: $13.50 (online), $15 (mail or in-person)

    Submission Details:

    Arkansas State Secretary of State

    Business Services Division

    1401 W. Capitol Avenue, Suite 250

    Little Rock, AR 72201

    Step 3: Managing Your Arkansas DBA

    Renewal of Your DBA with the State:

    Your registration for a made-up name does not come with a set date of expiration.

    Changing Your DBA:

    In order to make any changes to your made-up name, you will need to complete a fresh registration.

    Withdrawing Your DBA:

    In order to cancel or retract your made-up name, you will need to complete the form for Canceling a Fictitious Name and deliver it either through mail or in person.

    >> Arkansas DBA Filing Made Easy With Business Rocket >>

    Best DBA Filing Services to Register Fictitious Name in Arkansas – AR DBA

    Discover the top-notch options available to register a made-up name in Arkansas officially.

    Business Rocket logo

    For individuals seeking to register a Doing Business As (DBA) in Arkansas, Business Rocket stands out as an exceptional service. This platform is specifically designed to aid entrepreneurs and business owners by offering a simple and user-friendly procedure. Business Rocket simplifies the often complicated paperwork associated with DBA registration in Arkansas through its intuitive online tools and step-by-step guidance.

    The primary goal of Business Rocket is to make the entire process more efficient by assisting individuals in meeting the legal requirements and ensuring that their chosen business name is unique while also complying with Arkansas regulations. With features like document preparation assistance and filing support, Business Rocket facilitates a smooth DBA registration process, providing valuable help to those looking to establish their presence in Arkansas.

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    Northwest Registered Agent logo

    Northwest Registered Agent is a trustworthy option with expertise in various legal services, such as DBA filings in Arkansas. Functioning as a registered agent service, Northwest provides an actual address in Arkansas that meets the state’s requirements for a designated location an essential aspect for businesses operating under an alternate name.

    Northwest Registered Agent goes beyond DBA filings and offers additional compliance services like submitting annual reports and forwarding mail. This comprehensive approach ensures that businesses maintain their good standing with the state while relieving business owners of administrative burdens so they can concentrate on growing their enterprises.

    >> Get Started With Northwest Registered Agent >>

    ZenBusiness, a comprehensive platform for business services, supports entrepreneurs in Arkansas by assisting them with filing a DBA. With a focus on simplicity and affordability, ZenBusiness provides an easy-to-use online platform that guides users through registering a DBA in Arkansas.

    This service goes beyond just checking name availability. ZenBusiness also prepares the required documents and submits filings to the appropriate authorities in Arkansas. In addition, they provide ongoing support for compliance matters, making it an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs who want to establish their business identity in the state hassle-free and by regulations.

    >> Get Started With ZenBusiness >>

    Arkansas DBA vs. Arkansas LLC Comparison

    While both Arkansas DBAs and Arkansas LLCs require filings at the state level, LLCs function as legal entities that create a clear separation between their owners (referred to as members) and the actual business itself.

    Establishing an Arkansas LLC offers asset protection, ensuring that personal assets like savings accounts, vehicles, or homes are safeguarded from being seized in case of a lawsuit or bankruptcy. This level of protection is not provided by a DBA since it simply serves as an alternative name for the business.

    If you have already set up an LLC and want to operate under a different name or your business plans to introduce a new line of products, obtaining a DBA is a practical option. However, relying solely on a DBA is inadequate for sole proprietors who aim to protect personal assets from potential liabilities. In such cases, forming a separate business entity with liability protection, like an LLC, is crucial.

    File a DBA in Arkansas – Frequently Asked Questions

    If you still have inquiries regarding the process of filing a DBA in Arkansas, continue reading to find out if we possess the response you seek.

    Conclusion – How to File a DBA in Arkansas

    Filing a Doing Business As (DBA) in Arkansas is relatively simple and can be accomplished by following a few important steps. 

    To start, thoroughly search for a business name that complies with state regulations. Once you have found a suitable name, complete the necessary DBA registration form with accurate and detailed information about your business and its owners.

    Afterward, submit the completed form and the required filing fee to the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office. It’s essential to remain aware of any additional local requirements or regulations that may apply during this process.

    By approaching each step systematically, you can ensure a smooth and successful DBA filing in Arkansas.

    >> File a DBA in Arkansas with Business Rocket >>