How to work like a team of superheroes

Sections of this topic

    What separates the greatest teams from the rest is their mix of talents and, crucially their understanding of one anothers’ strengths.

    The Thunerdbird Charatcters
    Fortunately Brains knew that flying wasn’t his greatest strength

    When team building there are a number of questionnaires (or psychometrics) that can be used to help teams identify their strengths and preferences. When this information is used to assign roles and tasks true teams are formed.

    All teams need a blend of the following:

    Gluers – people that motivate, encourage and develop relationships inside and outside the team (Lady Penelope)
    Creators – people that offer ideas and solve problems, either through analysis or lateral thinking (Brains)
    Doers – people that can focus on the task, apply expertise and get the job done. (Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John Tracy)
    Leaders – people that set direction, monitor progress and take decisions (Jeff Tracy)

    These headings shouldn’t be confused with job roles, in fact often the best managers might not score highly in the ‘leader’ area but they will surround themselves with a mix of team members that suits the work they are tasked with achieving.


    For more resources, see our Library topic Team Building.


    This blog is written by Fresh Tracks: Experts in running team building activities , team development programmes and staff conference organising.