Benefits of Starting an LLC in 2024 – Costs & FAQs Included

Starting a business is an exhilarating endeavor, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of turning dreams into reality. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to acknowledge entrepreneurship’s potential risks and challenges. 

That’s where a Limited Liability Company (LLC) truly shines as a beacon of protection and opportunity. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the world of LLCs and uncover their myriad benefits to aspiring and seasoned business owners. 

From safeguarding personal assets to simplifying taxation, an LLC can be the cornerstone that empowers entrepreneurs to navigate the intricate landscape of the business world with confidence and peace of mind.

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What Is an LLC?

An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a type of legal entity that can be formed to operate a business. Forming an LLC provides a business owner with asset protection similar to a corporation because it separates the business entity from the owners. 

However, the tax structure of an LLC is more akin to that of a sole proprietorship, with profits and losses reported on the owner’s personal tax return. An LLC is just one way to organize a business. Other options include:

  • Sole Proprietorship: One person owns the business without any liability protection.
  • General Partnership: Similar to a sole proprietorship, but with two or more owners and no liability protection.
  • Limited Partnership: General partners run the business and have personal liability, while limited partners contribute to the business without personal liability.
  • Corporation: Owned by shareholders and provides the most liability protection. Corporations (S Corp, C Corp, etc.) require a board of directors to make business decisions and manage daily operations, making this structure more complex.

An LLC is a great option for small businesses just starting out. Like a sole proprietorship, it is easier and less expensive to form than a corporation, yet it provides similar owner protections.

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Benefits of Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) offers a range of benefits for entrepreneurs and business owners. Here are some key advantages:

Separate Legal Identity

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is an entity distinct from its owners, with its own rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. This means an LLC can file lawsuits (or be sued) in its own name. It can also buy, own, and use real or personal property, make contracts and guarantees, lend money, and invest funds.

Those who do business with an LLC must rely on the company itself to meet any obligations, not its members or managers. In contrast, sole proprietorships and general partnerships don’t offer this level of protection. Any business with a small amount of risk should form an LLC for these advantages.

Limited Liability

Because an LLC is a separate entity, the owners enjoy limited liability. This means their personal assets are protected from the company’s debts and obligations. A member’s risk is limited to their investment in the business.

CT Tip: Limited liability isn’t absolute. If members guarantee business obligations or co-sign a loan, their assets are at risk. Courts can “pierce the veil” and reach a member’s assets if the member dominates the company, uses it to perpetrate fraud, or it’s otherwise unfair to treat the member and company separately. 

Some state laws explicitly allow this, but courts may disregard the LLC’s separate identity based on the member’s actions even without such statutes.

Perpetual Existence

Unless the articles of organization specify otherwise, an LLC typically has perpetual existence. This means that changes in ownership, such as a member’s death, retirement, or withdrawal, do not necessitate the company’s dissolution.

Most state laws governing LLCs state that the company is dissolved only when:

  • An event specified in the operating agreement occurs
  • The members consent to the dissolution
  • A judicial or administrative action dissolves the company

In some states, the LLC Act stipulates that the death or withdrawal of the last remaining member causes dissolution. However, even in these states, the LLC can provide for the appointment of a new member to continue the LLC.

Inexpensive and Relatively Easy to Form

Starting a business as an LLC is inexpensive, often costing less than $1,000. The exact process varies by state, but the paperwork is usually minimal and affordable. 

You’ll need to fill out a short formation document and file articles of organization along with an operating agreement, which outlines the ownership structure. Templates for these documents are available online, and you can also seek assistance from a tax professional.

Forming an LLC is particularly appealing to small businesses because it involves less operational complexity than a corporation. For instance, LLCs aren’t required to hold annual shareholders’ meetings or file annual reports each year, making them a simpler and more manageable option.


Forming an LLC elevates your business’s credibility compared to a sole proprietorship or partnership. Customers and other businesses will view an LLC as more credible, and it shows that you are taking your business seriously. This added credibility can enhance trust and attract more clients or partners.

Less Paperwork

Corporations are more regulated than LLCs and involve considerably more paperwork. LLCs don’t need to have a board of directors, keep meeting minutes, or hold shareholder meetings. This results in significantly less time and money spent on maintaining records and filing compliance-related documents, making LLCs a more streamlined and cost-effective option for many business owners.

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Flexible Management Structure

Operating as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC) offers benefits such as separate existence, limited liability, and perpetual existence. However, one specific benefit of the LLC is its flexibility. LLC members have many options for their management structure. By state law, the LLC’s business control typically rests with its members. 

However, the LLC can specify in its operating agreement and/or articles of organization that designated managers will manage it. These managers can be either members or non-members, depending on what is outlined in the operating agreement. 

This flexibility makes LLCs suitable for small owners who want to run the business together and larger business ventures with many owners spread across the country.

Free Transferability of Financial Interests

An LLC member owns the LLC, and their ownership interest is called a membership interest. A membership interest consists of two parts: financial rights and management rights.

Members can share profits and losses and receive distributions from the LLC. These rights are considered the member’s personal property and, by default, can be transferred without restriction (unless the operating agreement states otherwise).

Most state statutes restrict the transfer of management rights. This means a member cannot sell or transfer their entire interest, including management rights, without the consent of all remaining members. However, the LLC’s operating agreement can modify this rule to allow for less than unanimous consent.

This protects the LLC and other members if a member’s personal creditors attempt to seize their LLC interest. Creditors can access the financial rights but typically cannot assume the member’s management role within the LLC.

Pass-Through Taxation

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a “pass-through” tax entity. This means the LLC’s gains, losses, income, deductions, credits, and other tax items flow to the member or members. Members report their share of these tax items on their personal income tax returns and pay taxes at individual rates. An LLC is not subject to entity-level taxation unless it elects to be taxed as a C corporation.

As a pass-through entity, the LLC avoids federal corporate income tax, thus preventing double taxation, unlike corporations. However, depending on the chosen tax classification, members might need to pay self-employment taxes. The four tax designations for an LLC are:

  • Sole Proprietorship (single-member LLCs only): Business profits pass through to the owner, who pays income tax on the full amount. Owners are considered self-employed and must pay self-employment taxes, covering Social Security and Medicare.
  • General Partnership (multi-member LLCs only): Business profits pass through to each member, who must pay income tax on their share. Typically, each member also pays self-employment taxes.
  • S Corporation (single or multi-member LLCs): Owners may choose to pay themselves a salary and pay payroll taxes on that amount. The remaining business profits pass through as income but are not subject to self-employment tax. S corps do not pay corporate taxes as they are pass-through entities.
  • C Corporation (single or multi-member LLCs): Business profits are taxed at the corporate rate, and any profit distributions to LLC members are also subject to personal income taxes, resulting in double taxation. Members don’t pay self-employment taxes, but salaries paid to members are subject to payroll taxes.

A recent change in tax law, the QBI (qualified business income) deduction, allows many LLCs to qualify for a federal tax deduction on pass-through income. Through 2025, business owners with pass-through income can deduct up to 20% of their net income on their federal tax returns.

CT Tip: An LLC’s flexibility is extremely valuable here. The distribution of tax items can be determined via the operating agreement and doesn’t need to match ownership interests. Profits, losses, and other tax items can be allocated in different proportions.

Appropriate for Individuals

The advantages of an LLC aren’t limited to multi-member companies. Individuals can also benefit by choosing a single-member LLC. 

You gain personal asset protection and have greater flexibility in choosing how you want to be taxed. For some businesses, electing to be taxed as an S corp can result in tax savings. However, state rules regarding S corp status vary, so it’s important to research local regulations.

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Disadvantages of an LLC

While forming an LLC provides significant liability protections, there are limits. An LLC owner is still personally liable for their own negligence, even if the claim is business-related.

An LLC doesn’t shield owners from losses due to fires, floods, lawsuits, or economic downturns. Therefore, it’s crucial to carry business insurance for your LLC.

Another disadvantage of an LLC is the limited investment opportunities. Unlike corporations, LLCs do not have stock options, which can deter potential investors. Investors typically exchange funding for business shares, and without stock, there is less incentive to invest in an LLC.

Who Should Form an LLC?

If you’re debating whether an LLC is the right business formation for you, consider these two questions: “Do I have co-owners or employees?” and “Does my business have significant risks?” If you answered yes, an LLC could benefit your business.

Having co-owners or employees means your business could be sued for their actions. Without an LLC’s protection, your personal assets might be at risk in such a lawsuit.

While starting any business involves risk, some businesses are riskier than others. Many property rental companies choose to form LLCs because each rental property can be its own entity. This structure ensures that issues with one property won’t jeopardize the others.

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Benefits of Starting an LLC –  Frequently Asked Questions 

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Bottom Line on Benefits of Starting an LLC

Running a successful business involves more than just selling products or finding clients. It’s also crucial to understand the administrative aspects, such as maximizing the benefits of your business structure and securing funding. Both individuals and larger companies can form an LLC to protect personal assets and enjoy tax advantages.

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