How to Check if a Business Name Is Taken: Top Tools & Tips

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    Choosing the right business name is a big deal. It’s the first thing people will notice about your brand. It can make or break your success. A unique name helps your business stand out and makes it easier for customers to remember you. 

    But it’s not just about being memorable. It’s also about staying out of legal trouble. If you pick a name already in use, you could face trademark issues, which might lead to expensive legal battles and a lot of headaches. 

    Plus, having the same name as another business can confuse your customers and weaken your brand. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your business name is unique.

    Search for the Business Name Online

    The first step in checking if a business name is taken is to search for it online. Start with a quick Google search to see if other businesses use the name. Then, check major social media platforms to determine if the name is already associated with existing accounts or pages.

    Google Search

    Type your business name into Google’s search bar and hit enter. For more precise results, put the name in quotation marks, like “Your Business Name.” This helps you find exact matches, giving you a clear idea of whether someone else is already using it. 

    You can also try variations or add words related to your industry to see how often the name pops up in different contexts.

    When you look through the search results, keep these tips in mind:

    • Focus on the top results: These are usually the most relevant and will give you a good sense of whether the name is already well-known.
    • Look for similar names: If you find businesses with similar or identical names, consider how established they are. Competing with a well-known name can take time and effort.
    • Check the industry and location: If the businesses you find are in the same field or area, choose a different name to avoid confusion.
    • Dig deeper: Don’t stop at the first page. Sometimes, important information is buried in later results, so it’s worth looking at.

    Social Media Platforms

    After searching on Google, the next step is to check major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These platforms are crucial because they’re where many businesses establish their online presence and interact with customers. 

    Search for Business Pages and Profiles With the Same Name

    Use the search bar on each platform to see if your business name has already been taken on social media. Type in the exact name you’re thinking of and see what comes up. 

    Pay close attention to business pages and company profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn, as these are where businesses usually promote themselves. 

    Check if anyone uses your name as a username on Instagram and Twitter. If you come across accounts with the same or a similar name, consider using a different name to avoid confusion and ensure your brand stands out.

    Check Domain Name Availability

    Next, check if your business name is available as a domain using registrars like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains. It’s often best to secure a .com domain for broader recognition, but consider other extensions like .net or .org if your preferred .com is taken.

    Domain Registrars

    You can use websites like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains to see if your preferred domain name is available. Here’s how:

    • Visit the Registrar’s Website: Go to the website of the domain registrar you choose (such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains).
    • Search for Your Domain: Enter the domain name you want into the search bar on the site. For example, if you’re interested in “,” type that in.
    • Check Availability: The site will tell you if your domain is available. If it is, you can proceed to buy it right away. The site will suggest alternatives or extensions like .net or .org if it’s already taken.
    • Consider Other Options: If your first choice isn’t available, modify the name or another extension. These sites also offer tools to help you brainstorm alternative names.

    This process helps you find and secure the best domain for your business.

    Considerations for Domain Extensions

    When choosing a domain name, the extension you select, such as .com, .net, or .org, plays a crucial role in your website’s success. A .com domain is generally the best choice because it’s the most widely recognized and trusted by users around the globe. 

    People naturally gravitate toward .com when typing web addresses, so having this extension can make your site easier to remember and enhance its credibility.

    However, if your desired .com domain has already been taken, don’t despair. Alternatives like .net or .org can also work well, depending on your business or organization. For instance, .net is often associated with technology and networking sites, while non-profits and organizations commonly use .org. 

    Choosing the right extension can help reinforce your brand’s identity and purpose.

    Search the Business Name in Your State’s Business Registry

    To ensure your business name is unique and legally protected, search your state’s business registry. This involves checking state-specific databases and trademark registrations to confirm the name’s availability.

    State-Specific Databases

    When starting a business, one of the first steps is ensuring your chosen name is available in your state. Most states provide a business name registry through the Secretary of State’s website, where you can search for existing businesses with the same or similar names. The process generally involves:

    • Navigating to Your State’s Website: Go to your state’s Secretary of State website.
    • Finding the Business Name Search Tool: Locate the section to search for business names.
    • You are entering Your Desired Name. Type in the name you want to use to see if it’s already taken.

    Remember that each state may have different rules and databases, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with your specific state’s requirements.

    Trademark Registrations

    Beyond state-specific databases, it is crucial to check if your business name is registered as a trademark within your state. Trademark registration protects your business name, preventing others from using it. 

    Each state has its process for searching and registering trademarks, so you’ll need to consult your state’s resources to ensure your business name still needs to be taken.

    Check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Database

    Before finalizing your business name, it’s crucial to search the USPTO database using the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to ensure the name isn’t already federally trademarked and then carefully interpret the results to avoid any potential conflicts.

    Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

    The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) is a vital resource for checking whether your desired business name is already trademarked at the federal level. To use TESS effectively:

    • Visit the USPTO Website: Start by navigating to the official website of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
    • Access TESS: Find the TESS option under the “Trademarks” section of the site.
    • Conduct a Search: Enter your proposed business name and any variations to see if similar trademarks are registered.

    Checking trademarks at the federal level is crucial because a federally registered trademark offers nationwide protection. If your business name is already trademarked, you might face legal challenges or need to rebrand, which could be costly and time-consuming.

    Interpretation of Results

    Once you’ve searched TESS, it’s essential to interpret the results carefully:

    • Evaluate the Similarities: Look closely at the existing trademarks’ similarity to your proposed name. Consider factors such as appearance, sound, and meaning.
    • Consult an Expert: If you find names close to yours, it’s wise to consult a trademark attorney. They can provide expert advice on whether the similarities pose a risk and how to proceed.
    • Choose a Different Name: If your name is too similar to an existing trademark, it’s best to select a new business name. This will help you avoid potential legal issues and ensure your brand remains distinct and memorable.

    By carefully navigating the TESS database and interpreting the results, you can protect your business and establish a robust and unique brand identity.

    Consider International Business Name Search

    If you plan to expand your business globally, checking international trademark databases is essential to ensure your business name is available and protected in other countries.

    Global Brand Database

    The Global Brand Database, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), is an essential tool for businesses looking to establish a presence internationally. This comprehensive database allows you to search for existing trademarks across numerous countries, giving a clear picture of whether your desired business name is already in use globally. 

    By using the Global Brand Database, you can ensure that your brand name is unique and available, which is crucial before you commit to expanding your business beyond your home market. 

    This proactive approach helps you avoid potential legal conflicts and ensures that your brand is protected on a global scale.

    Considerations for Global Business

    When planning to take your business into international markets, checking international trademark databases is a critical step in safeguarding your brand. Here’s why:

    • Ensure Global Brand Protection: Conducting thorough searches across various countries helps prevent conflicts with existing trademarks. By confirming that your business name still needs to be registered elsewhere, you can secure global protection for your brand, ensuring that you can operate internationally without legal hurdles.
    • Avoid Rebranding Costs: Identifying trademark issues early can save you from the significant expenses and disruptions associated with rebranding. If you discover potential conflicts before entering new markets, you can address them proactively, avoiding the need for costly changes to your brand identity later on.

    Taking these steps ensures that your business name is not only protected but also positioned for success as you expand into global markets. By securing your brand’s uniqueness worldwide, you can build a strong, recognizable presence and focus on growing your business internationally with confidence.

    Consult with a Legal Professional

    Benefits of Legal Advice

    Consulting with a trademark attorney is crucial when choosing and securing a business name. A trademark attorney provides expert guidance on:

    • Trademark Search and Analysis: They help conduct a thorough search to identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks.
    • Legal Protection: They advise on how to protect your business name through registration and handle any legal issues that may arise.

    Getting legal advice ensures that your business name is legally sound and helps prevent costly disputes down the line.

    Legal Steps for Securing the Name

    Once you’ve confirmed that your business name is unique, follow these steps to secure it legally:

    • Register the Business Name: File the necessary paperwork with your state or local government to officially register your business name.
    • Register the Trademark: Submit an application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or equivalent authority to secure trademark protection.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some common questions and answers to help you navigate checking if your business name is available.


    Ensuring your business name is unique and available is a crucial first step in building your brand. To start, search your state’s business name registry through the Secretary of State’s website. This helps you confirm that no one else is using the same name locally. Next, use the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to check if your name is already trademarked at the federal level. 

    If you’re thinking about taking your business international, don’t forget to use the WIPO Global Brand Database to check for any global trademark conflicts. Interpreting these search results carefully is just as important. If you find that your desired name or something similar has already been taken, it’s a good idea to consult with a trademark attorney. 

    They can help you understand your options, which include finding a new name or dealing with legal issues. Before you settle on your business name, make sure you complete these checks to avoid any future headaches. 

    Taking these steps will not only protect your brand but also give you the confidence to move forward with your business plans. A unique and legally protected name is critical to standing out in the market and ensuring your business has a solid foundation for success.