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5072 results found

Effective Recording: Minutes Are Not Minute

How perfect is your memory? When you leave a group meeting, do you walk away remembering everything discussed and decided? If not, keep that pen and pad with you. And, if you're the one facilitating meetings, it's especially important for you to record the results of the meeting to keep the group's commitment and follow-through. Meeting notes are more important than you think, and in fact, looking beyond just meeting minutes, facilitators need to be responsible for the meeting documentation. The documentation from a facilitated session serves as the official record of the results of the meeting. So, how do you know what to record?

Rich Products Does Recall Crisis Management

Nearly 11 million pounds of frozen foods pulled from shelves According to USA Today, Rich Products has called for the recall of nearly 11 million pounds of frozen mini cheeseburgers, sandwiches, quesadillas, pizzas and other snacks sold under the Farm Rich, Market Day and Schwan’s brands because of potential E. coli contamination. So often when …

Rutgers Player Abuse Creates Crisis Management Mess

Shocking footage shows the coach shoving, and throwing balls at player’s heads Rutgers University is facing major crisis management after a video showing men’s basketball coach Mike Rice hurling basketballs at players’ heads, shoving, yanking collars, and screaming homophobic slurs was broadcast on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” this afternoon. Video of Rutgers practices from the …

Local Education Foundations: Less Effective Than They Could Be !!

This posting by: Hank Lewis I received the following email: I am involved in local education foundations which is a 501(c)(3). We do some really neat things that help to educate kids in our community, and we have a few big fundraisers each year. On our website and in the marketing info for the events, …

Adria Richards & Why You NEED Behavior Policies

Strong policies are the only way to protect yourself from backlash over employee conduct You’ve probably heard about the Adria Richards “public shaming” mess already, but for those haven’t here’s a recap. At developer conference PyCon, well-known developer evangelist Adria Richards overheard a pair of male attendees from gaming company PlayHaven making what she took …

Don’t be a Weiner: Guest Post by Jason Snyder

[Editor’s note: In this guest submission, Jason Snyder, VP of WordWrite Communications, explains why it’s critical for hospitals to invest in crisis communications and reputation management planning, especially in this period of healthcare reform.] Hospitals, rife with risk, need a crisis communications plan “As long as they spell my name right.” There are plenty of …

Startup Experience: Does it Help?

Seems obvious: of course prior business experience is a big advantage when starting a social enterprise. But now there’s evidence that this might not be correct. Research suggests that LESS experienced social entrepreneurs were MORE successful (in terms of revenue and social media network) compared to their MORE experienced colleagues. And the WORST performance came …

The 7 Principles of Masterful Planning

The Drivers Model is Leadership Strategies' methodology for strategic planning and the ultimate tool for masterful planning. The Drivers Model process covers seven key principles for masterfully planning any activity. The seven principles are summarized below. Let’s break down each one.

Nine Things Successful Proposal Professionals Do Differently

This posting by: Jayme Sokolow Being a Success According to Dr. Heidi Grant Stevenson, a blogger for Psychology Today and the author of an intriguing new book, Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals (2011), even very bright people are often clueless when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. Recent research on …

Online Classes for Entrepreneurs

Want to start a small business, but missing some skills? Here’s one option: take some online classes, where you might learn what you need, for a fraction of the time and cost. Improve your business plan AND your business. There are 100s of web-based business classes, many of them free (open source) or for a …