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Leadership Grace – Part 1

This week’s post is by guest writers John Watkins and his partner Caren Hamilton. They will share their diagram of Leadership Grace in next week’s post as Part 2. ******** Integration These days we need all our resources working together to thrive. Our approach to thriving comes from being dazzled by the grace of discovering …

Five Ways to Look at Bosses — a Leadership Training Profile

“I don’t think I know anyone who can honestly say that he or she doesn’t want to be a success. Do you?” asks June Melvin Mickens, J.D. of Executive Advantage, LLC, in her E. A. INSIGHT newsletter article, The Good Boss: How to Be (or Recognize) One. “What’s interesting, though, is that usually many of …

5 Leadership Skills for Project Managers

Guest post from Claudia Vandermilt: As a project manager, your teams rely on your leadership skills to guide and encourage productivity and project success. When provided with quality leadership, team members often respond positively; they build stronger relationships and rise to project challenges brought forth by their leader. Arm yourself with these five critical leadership

Coaching Tips for Leadership Impact – Influence Others

In a recent coaching conversation, my client wanted to work on “how to have more influence in his organization.” He felt that he was being overlooked for opportunities. He wanted to influence others more effectively in order to advance in his leadership coaching tips role. Here are some ways to influence others in the workplace …

Crisis Leadership in Japan

Quake leaves residents looking to Prime Minister After an initial response slowed by the sheer magnitude of the disaster, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has stepped up to his role as the head of crisis management for the beleaguered country. Following yet another explosion at the Fukushima power plant, Kan took the reins, as described …

The Creative Leadership No-Brainer, Part II

You have heard it all before every time business goes through a rough patch. “It’s time our leaders got creative.” Actually, it’s time we all got creative. “Creative people just drive you crazy.” “They have no social skills–well limited ones.” However, you know creative people so you have to watch getting them angry. “They could …

The Creative Leadership No-Brainer, Part I

Even more creativity is going to be needed if we are to continue thriving in the business market. According to IBM’s Institute for Business Value, a survey of 1500 CEOs revealed that “creativity is the single most important attribute to lead a large corporation.” Training our creative corporate staff how to lead and our leaders …

Balancing Complexity and Clarity for Effective Leadership

Complexity and Clarity in Balance for Effective Leadership A number of years ago I was called by a client because “things are falling through the cracks.” Suspicious that the issue was systemic (rather than technical or due to poor performance), a systems analysis was performed. The world today is so interconnected and interdependent that leaders …

Feedback and Leadership

The intent in this blog entry is to a) share some thoughts on the vital importance of feedback as it relates to leadership and b) discuss a few or the more common methods used for gathering, interpreting, and sharing feedback.

Crisis Leadership

Leaders must step up during a crisis Too often leaders are paralyzed during the crucial beginning stages of crises. When things start to heat up it’s important to keep control, or things can quickly get out of hand. In an article for the Harvard Business Review, leadership expert John Baldoni gave his advice for those …