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Unleashing the Power of your Story: Leadership and the Hero’s Journey

The World of Stories Human history and literature are replete with myths and stories—about the heavens, the earth, planting, the harvest, winter, summer, light, darkness, nations, war, peace, families, and individuals. All of these stories, our personal ones and our larger myths, are interconnected. Our individual stories are narratives we have told ourselves about our …

Good to Great: 5 Cardinal Rules of Leadership

All managers aspire to be better leaders — but what is it that makes a leader effective? The Leadership Code offers five pivotal rules that lay out how the leadership game is played. How well do you apply them to your day–to–day actions? 1. Strategist–Leaders shape the future As a strategist, you must answer the …

Unleashing the Power of your Story Leadership for Our Era

This post is the second one from Unleashing the Power of your Story, an upcoming E-Book by Steven Ober.   The world and our species are in states of deep transition. Many describe our present situation as a planet and a people as one of great turmoil. We experience constant “wars and rumors of wars;” …

Servant Leadership in Spiritual Communities – Part 1

Crystal Davis read my blog posts last year and emailed me inquiring about other resources related to Spirituality at work. She’s doing her dissertation on Servant Leadership. I’ve enjoyed exchanging ideas with her over the past year. I invited Crystal to share some of her dissertation topic for our blog posts this month. Here is …

Unleashing the Power of your Story Leadership for Our Era

The world and our species are in states of deep transition. Many describe our present situation as a planet and a people as one of great turmoil. We experience constant “wars and rumors of wars;” we hover on the verge of economic collapse; our political systems seem unable to address societal problems. Even more profoundly, …

Leadership IDP

It’s that time of year again – time to create your Individual Development Plan or IDP. Staring down at the “official” corporate IDP form, one is reminded how limiting management theory has become (see Gary Hamel’s new book and website for more). So here’s a thought, for yourself and your key talent, do some management …

CEO, Deputy, and Founder Leadership Dynamics

This posting is a continuation of the email exchange that began last Tuesday. “I am happy to step down and then go through the hiring process, I just don’t understand how it works. When, specifically, do I step down from the board? Is it when we have enough money to pay staff or as soon …

Authentic Leadership – Dare to Be Yourself

Andreas Dudàs has a recently published book, “Do You Dare to Be Yourself?” He touches on many of the ideas explored in this blog – vision, values, passion, and purpose. See what stirs as you explore your authentic self and leadership. Enjoy some of his writing here. Embark on a rewarding journey Authentic leaders who …

Supportive Leadership – The 5 Basic Rules

(This is a guest post from Professor Günther H. Schust and is based on his free ebook “Supportive Leadership.”) More than two thirds of all problems in our society result from a decrepit leadership culture in economy and politics which allows indispensable profound reforms (i.e. climate protection, finance and tax legislation) and “green” technologies for …

The CFC: Choosing Your Leadership Development Team

Choosing Your Leadership Development Team: The CFC It’s almost spring, and now’s the time to start planning your non-profit’s CFC campaign for the 2012 campaign season. The best-selling author, Jim Collins, who wrote Good to Great, has five key principles for organizational success; and, in his own words, the single most important principle is to …