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Evaluation: Running Training Like a Business

Evaluation – not everyone’s favorite topic but it is a necessary “evil” especially if we as trainers are running our programs like a business. What do I mean by this? Well with this lovely economic environment we are currently in, we all know that soft-skills training departments are the first to make cuts or lay …

Leadership Defined

Some view leadership as a series of specific traits or characteristics. Others see it as comprised of certain skills and knowledge. And some, me included, think of leadership as a process. This view of leadership, as a process, places an emphasis on social interaction and relationship.

Vatican’s Public Relations Blunders In Hell’s 10th Circle

Does the Pope have an in-house public relations team, or is the Vatican getting expensive, or pro bono, outside counsel to handle the latest, growing scandal over the actions — and an alleged cover-up by pre-pope Ratzinger, then a Cardinal, The Vatican’s Public Relation blunders include Hell’s 10th Circle? others — of one particularly notorious …

Getting The Donor To Want To Give

“The Hokey-Pokey of Fundraising” Whether it’s a Corporation, a Foundation, a prospective Major Donor or the recipient of a mass solicitation, they’re not going to write you a check if the process doesn’t satisfy their needs. Getting a Corporation to want to give to a non-profit organization (NPO) is a simple matter of learning, understanding …

Seven Ways to Build Credibility

Current competency models in the field of Human Resources (HR) share common themes. Among them is the necessity of the HR professional to serve as a credible activist.

Four Ways to Lie – Required Reading for Vatican Officials

My clients, and my kids, have been told that there are four ways that they can be perceived as lying: Dishonesty by commission — literally saying black is white. Dishonesty by omission — leaving important information out of your communications. Dishonesty by understatement for the purpose of obfuscating the truth. Dishonesty by overstatement for the …

Monetize Online Traffic: Ultimate Marketing Tactics

In Christine’s video, you’ll learn how they make user reviews more relevant and how they integrate customer support using Twitter. Learn how they utilize other key tactics: Customers can share their experience with a ‘Publish to Facebook’ option after submitting their e-file Facebook news feeds for 30% higher conversion than advertising Creating community in which customers help each other

Mission Impact: The Bottom Line of Organization Development

Impact of a Mission on Organization Development For centuries there was only one bottom line: profitability. Then people and companies interested in making the world a better place, not just making money, decided social impact should have equal billing. Fair enough. A bit later, environmental impact demanded a place at the table, so now we …