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About Carter McNamara

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About Marcia Zidle: Define Career Management Path

Define Career Management Path: Learn More About Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle, a certified career strategist and business coach, works with high-potential, high-impact executives, managers, and professionals to advance their careers and grow their leadership capabilities. Marcia, CEO of, Leaders At All Levels, has over 25 years of leadership, operations, and consulting experience with businesses as …


Purpose of this Supervision Blog Supervision is the activities carried out by supervisors to oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report directly to the supervisors. For example Chief executive officers supervise those who report directly to the chief executives Middle-managers supervise first-level supervisors First-level supervisors supervise entry-level employees Supervision is a management activity …

Welcome to the Supervision Blog!

We’re Carter McNamara and Marcia Zidle, co-hosts of this blog. You can read more about us next to our pictures in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of supervision, and will focus especially on practical tips and tools in posts published at least once a week, including posts from guest writers. You …

Consultants’ Growth: Challenging Mental Models – Part 3

Challenging Mental Models: Part 3 of Consultants’ Growth (See Part 2 of 3) Warren Bennis taught me to ask three questions: What’s So? So What? What Now?” How we handle uncertainty and how we deal with it personally is critical in how we manage change. Given the uncertainty and complexity in our organizations, dealing with …

Benefit from Discussions or Place Blame?

What would happen if this discussion were taken a step forward and the debate on blame shifted to a discussion using the following, "Provide one example of how you have improved learning transfer in a current or previous role? What was the role and what did you do?"

Social Media Connects Japan

Twitter and Facebook lead the way following massive earthquake Social media has been at the forefront of crisis communications during every disaster in recent memory, and this trend has continued in the aftermath of the massive earthquake in Japan. In an article for Mashable.com, Sarah Kessler described the various ways people are getting connected: Google …

WANTED: Your Spirituality at Work

Greetings, After completing my A-Z blogs on Spirituality at Work, I would like to build on this example by highlighting examples of people living out their spirituality. I’ll be writing another A-Z blog series, this time highlighting case studies of how people live out their spirituality at work and home. For example, for the letter …

Culture Saves Lives

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine offers insights into what distinguishes high-performing and low performing with regard to deaths of heart attack patients under their care. It’s not the training of the doctors or the investment in high-tech equipment. It’s the organizational culture that makes the greatest difference. As Dr. Pauline …

What Shapes Careers?

What influences career success the most? A McKinsey Global Survey asked executives about decisions or events that led to a significant long-term positive change in their work life. One of the most interesting findings was that both men and women said the single most pivotal event in their careers occurred when they were around the …