CBS’ 60 Minutes’ interview of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos about Amazon Prime Air. While it looks like standard promo, the launch may hide an urgent strategy.
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Ah the angst–what do you do with your hands. We rarely wonder about them until we stand up to speak and then suddenly it’s all we can think about. In our pockets? Locked up tight? Behind our backs? No, no and no. In case you are wondering, here are the things you should be doing. …
We have mentioned previously how to communicate priorities, but how do Technical Writers organize their own priorities? Prioritizing, listing items from the most important to the least important, can be a daunting task. Sometimes you can recognize and know right away what the priority is and sometimes not. When it comes to work priorities, how …
Are you ever tentative about speaking in front of others? Do you fear you will make a mistake or look foolish? Do you ever worry that people will disagree with you? If so, it’s possible that you aren’t completely committed to your own communication. Before you lead another meeting, sales call, presentation or training session, …
How do Technical Writers communicate their priorities? Priorities are needed to accomplish goals and to make sure important tasks get completed. Once priorities are established, they help us to be organized and to define what has to be done and in what order. Sometimes you can recognize and know right away what the priority is …
Since public speaking is apparently the most common fear people name when asked, there is a good chance you have experienced it at one time or another. If you have, you know how uncomfortable and unsettling it can be. Don’t just endure it; fight back. Here are fifteen ways to fight stage fright so you …
Sometimes Technical Writers are responsible for working for more than one manager. How do you keep them happy and how do you maintain priorities? The first answers that come to mind are: Communicate and coordinate. Know whom you are speaking to. Understand the company’s priority. Create your project plan and to do list; know your …