Project Management/

PM Methodologies

Waterfall vs Agile Methodology: What’s Better for Your Project?

Every project comes with its unique challenges. But there’s one challenge that accompanies every project you’ll work on: deciding which project management methodology to choose. The waterfall vs agile question is the most frequent one you’ll come across in this discourse.  As important as it is to answer, this question might have you bogged down …
Fusion. It’s all the rage in culinary circles, right? Restaurants that prepare great dishes from pan-Asian countries, or pan-Latin American countries, or even European and Asian combinations. All with great, flavorful results. We can bring a similar mindset to the management of our projects. By combining different methods and strategies we can craft our own …
Guest Post by Andy Trainer, from Silicon Beach Training Project managers need a great deal of technical knowledge and project experience in order to do their job. Companies looking for effective time management techniques for project managers will therefore ask prospective candidates for evidence of training and of managing successful projects. What isn’t always appreciated …
I was recently teaching a course where the discussion turned to project resourcing, and the problem of people being stretched more thinly than ever. I suggested to the student that maybe her company’s mechanism for “project selection” needed to be revisited with her management, so that the number of projects could be decreased until the …
Guest post from Claudia Vandermilt: As a project manager, your teams rely on your leadership skills to guide and encourage productivity and project success. When provided with quality leadership, team members often respond positively; they build stronger relationships and rise to project challenges brought forth by their leader. Arm yourself with these five critical leadership …
The following list was graciously contributed by Marc Bonnemains, and is from a LinkedIn discussion about project management. The following items are referred to as frameworks and models. Many people distinguish between the two, and might explain that a framework is a structure within which an activity occurs, but a model also describes the functioning …
In project management, we imply the existence of a strong relationship between experience and good decision making. The question is: What kind of experience? Domain experience or project management experience?
A guest post from Patrick d’Astous , chief scientist at Smartbox Software. A project manager puts, by trade, or by choice, his credibility on the line every day. Another way to say this is “a project manager is as good as his/her last project’s perceived success”. Compared to traditional management and its long term objectives, …