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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Think back to the last time your organization ran into an ugly situation that was resolved before it became an actual crisis. When things died down did everyone breathe a big sigh of relief and head back to work, or did you stop to ask yourselves “How could we prevent this next time?”. Chances are …
Time to change your Twitter passwords! A warning that all users should change their passwords came from Twitter itself after it was revealed that user passwords were stored unencrypted on company servers. Though at this time there’s no indication your passwords were shared with anyone outside of Twitter, employees did have access to these unencrypted …
We see one simple fact overlooked often in crisis planning – you can’t divert 100% of your assets to recover from an issue when there’s still a business to run. This video from Rave Mobile Safety looks at telling stats about how prepared organizations really are for crisis management, and how many would truly be …
Editor’s note: Thank you to Kamy Anderson for sharing this post about the importance of regularly reviewing your business continuity plan. A business continuity plan is a must-have in today’s ever-changing and volatile market. A carefully and strategically devised business continuity plan has one sole purpose – to ensure your company’s continued existence, even after …
Cyber crimes are one of the leading causes of modern crises Cyber crimes come in many shapes, including data theft, ransomware, insider leaks, and impact targets spanning from single individuals to the largest corporations on the planet. The folks at the Best VPNs Blog shared an infographic, titled “77 Facts About Cyber Crimes One Should …
So Alexa decided to laugh randomly while I was in the kitchen. Freaked @SnootyJuicer and I out. I thought a kid was laughing behind me. — CaptHandlebar (@CaptHandlebar) February 23, 2018 The latest story to catch the attention of the internet is one of creepy and unexpected laughter coming from Alexa-enabled devices. Videos like …
Fake tweets. They’re easy to create, look 100% real, and are one of the easiest ways to stir up trouble for just about any target you can think of. Take this story, from a Politifact article: As the Dow Jones plunged Feb. 5, not long after President Donald Trump boasted about the stock market gains, …