Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
Have you ever hired someone who did not live up to expectations? I’m sure many of us have at one time. A wrong decision can be very costly. It’s been estimated that replacing a key professional or manager can be three to five times their annual salary. Do you want to increase the odds of …
When leading Adaptive Change, you have the opportunity to design the journey initiated by Destabilizing Events so that you can reach the future you desire. Because the actual path you take is unknown and can’t be predicted your leadership provides direction but you cannot control the process. As each person, team, or division moves through …
Have you ever made a hiring mistake — selecting the wrong person for the position? Most of us, who are or have been supervisors, have had to deal with the consequences of a poor hire. It can eat up one’s time and energy and weaken an entire team. However, a good hire can take the …
Do you put off dealing with employee performance problems? Many managers struggle with their reluctance to deal with an employee regarding poor performance or inappropriate behavior. Here are some concerns I’ve heard: “I don’t want to rock the boat, especially when the employee is performing the function even if not up to expectations.” “Correcting an …
Turbulence describes the business environment over the last 25 years, and there is no sign of it letting up. This means that leaders for the foreseeable future will be surrounded by our old friend VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Turning this into an opportunity to adapt requires that we ask the right questions. …
Staying Sane When Leading Others: Summary Principles Everyone in management has gone through the transition from individual contributor to manager. Each person finds his/her own way to “survive.” The following guidelines will help you to keep your perspective and your health. 1. Monitor your work hours. The first visible, undeniable sign that things are out …
Self limiting beliefs are a group of thought processes and feelings that hold us back and cause us to maintain the status quo. They are normal – the key is to be aware of them so you can be at choice. Here are some terms related to Self Limiting Beliefs: Negative self talk Inner critic …